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Slide Show

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Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-27 14:38
Slide Show

Reguested Application.

How about a portable slide show application similar to Slide Show Pilot.

With similar features such as:
Most image file formats,
Create auto run CD/DVD album for PC and players (watch through TV).
Create .exe show
Create HTML Web galleries
Add sound and music

And any other features that you wizards can think of.
And of course open source.
All on a USB stick.

Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-13 13:16
slideshow pilot isn't open

slideshow pilot isn't open source, so i doubt that that particular program will get to be an app. but it does sound like a good idea. some video players do the whole slideshow images thing, but its not the same as a true image viewer. for windows xp, they have the windows image and fax viewer, but for windows2k and below, we have gross IE. i found a decent program called cdisplay, which works pretty well for viewing images, and it would be great if something like this would be made portable.

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