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Version number IS wrong on v3.0.2 + weird hang

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pfeerick's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-13 19:21
Version number IS wrong on v3.0.2 + weird hang


Good work on Toucan, and stupid trolls should go throw themselves in a lake.

Anyway, one moaner was actually right. A freshly baked copy of Toucan v3.0.2 (no prior install) did result in v3.0.1 being displayed whilst syncing. Maybe a message for the known issues... "Toucan may occasionally display incorrect version numbers to check if users are actually paying attention"?! Smile

Also, don't know if this will reproduce (haven't tried it yet), but used Sync and copied a folder from my computer to my flash drive, and then went to the settings tab and hit apply (instead of about?!) and the toucan interface flicked and flash for a moment and then hid behind other desktop windows. Now I can't Alt+Tab to it, altought it's on the taskbar still and it won't respond... appears to have hung.

EDIT: btw, just tried to repeat the hang, but I couldn't get it to do it again. The backup feature also says v3.0.1, and a thought... is there any particular reason you didn't make the progress window a child window so you can't send it behind the main window. I only ask as I clicked run twice after change compression, and whilst Toucan flickered and grinded away, the progress window popped up behind the main window and I didn't realise was there... quite easy to just think Toucan isn't doing anything at all!

Where insanity IS reality!

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

for the report, I need to add a line to my build script to make sure it gets updated. The progress window is a little weird, I will have to take another look at it, I shall at it to the todo list!

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