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Toucan 3.0.3 Prerelease 2 - Using Toucan variable in Script to DELETE file not working

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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Toucan 3.0.3 Prerelease 2 - Using Toucan variable in Script to DELETE file not working

Hi Steve

Nice piece of SW. The LUA scripting seems to be very powerful!

I run into a strange inconsistency though (see following script).

-- Problem using Toucan variable to specifiy path for deletion
-- (copy and rename OK, LUA variable OK)
-- Toucan 3.0.3 Prerelease 2 / Vista 32 SP2

-- Variable backupfolder defined as F:\Toucan_Test\ on Variables tab
copy([[@backupfolder@]] .. [[]], [[@backupfolder@]] .. [[]]) -- OK
rename([[@backupfolder@]].. [[]], [[@backupfolder@]] .. [[]]) -- OK
delete([[@backupfolder@]] .. [[]]) -- NOK

-- Using LUA variable
backuppath = [[F:\Toucan_Test\]]
delete(backuppath .. [[]]) -- OK

Everything works OK excep the first delete operation using the Toucan variable for the path.

The message in the progress window reads:
Failed to delete F:\Toucan_Test\

There seem to be differences in how copy/rename/delete handle the variable expansion/substitution.

PS: The Flow Control example in the documentation should read elseif not else if

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

I will get this fixed in the next release!

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