Weird stuff happen when I try this rule:
*.+ File to Exclude
*.+ Folder to Exclude
specific_file.txt Location to Include
It's probably worse because I copy that single file to a root folder (for example, c:\foo\bar\specific_file.txt to d:\). Anyway, it starts copying folders that are around this file. It copies them without their files though.
It seems to copy less folders with:
*.* File to Exclude
*.* Folder to Exclude
specific_file.txt Location to Include
But it's still bad.
Anyway, the preview shows those soon to be empty folders in red color with a "if needed" tooltip.
as a thought but you could do this much more easily with a one line script instead. But I will take a look at this properly, it should work, I just wanted to get a 3.0.3 release out as it has a lot of fixes. Thanks as always.