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Request: LibreOffice (OOo fork)

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Request: LibreOffice (OOo fork)

Program: LibreOffice

License: Open Source/GPL

Description: A fork of Open Office


This is a fork from OpenOffice, a more free, less evil (I hope) alternative to Oracle-owned OpenOffice


MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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No it is not a fork ...

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Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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I think it is...

That post had nothing to do with LibreOffice. It was talking about rebranded products such as GoOO. Libre took the open source code and is forking it.

New code is hosted on github and has nothing to do with Oracla.

"Charles H. Schulz, a project lead for worldwide language development for't consider LibreOffice a fork of but rather a continuation of the original project"

LibreOffice also has support of FSF, OASIS, Google, Novell, Red Hat, Canonical and even The GNOME Foundation.

Darkbee's picture
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Probably Unecessary

OpenOfficePortable has not been written off yet. John is still in talks with Oracle to bring OpenOffice to PortableApps. Unless that falls through there will not be another OpenOffice variant/fork/continuation project available here as it just adds too much duplication in time and effort.

solanus's picture
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Uh, say what?

The post marko referred to is entitled Openoffice 3.2.1 Portable ?.
Most of that thread is dedicated to the question of the release of OpenOffice, although a few of the posts did mention Go-oo.

I think the point is that the fate of the Open Source product that we know as OpenOffice is evolving. The Document Foundation is taking the product into an independent foundation similar to the way Mozilla works. The story will likely change and clarify in the ensuing weeks.

According to the FAQ page of the Document Foundation
this is not a fork. The software may only be temporarily named "LibreOffice", as they are negotiating with Oracle to get the rights to the name "".

Given the currently changing status of this, it's premature to start asking for LibreOffice Portable, since this is likely to be just the next phase of

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MarkoMLM's picture
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You're right ...

... it is a tempory name and at the moment it depends on the answer of oracle.

Read the statements on

The idea to create an independend foundation for developing and do all the other work on the suite is as old as the project itselfs.

And its not without examples in the OSS word. Take a look at the Mozilla Foundation with Firefox and Thunderbird.

At the moment we hope that Oracle will be part of this new process and give the rights for the name (back) to the project / the community.

Lets wait how the things will go and hope the best.

And be shure, You'll find a portable version of the leading OSS office suite here on The name for it? We'll see Wink

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IMHO.... Screw Oracle

That being said, I would love to see LibreOffice or whatever it is.

I also see this as the continuance of the project. If Portable Apps wants to continue with OpenOffice it would primarily be forced by Oracle to keep their product to compete.

That being said, Oracle can't strong arm Portable Apps to not include LibreOffice as it is a full complete legal fork.

Either way the option is there and being GPL there isn't much reason not to package it other than time.

Darkbee's picture
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One Office Suite Only

I think the point is, it would either be one or the other, but not both. That doesn't make any sense from a cost versus benenfit scenario: Twice the effort for more or less the same result. It's better to stick with one, if other people want to use the other version that is their business.

The truth is, nobody knows right now. These questions probably won't be answered for a while yet. Until that time it's all just speculation whether PA.c will be offering OpenOffice, LibraOffice, GoOO, SuperOpenMegaAwesomeOffice.

Aciago's picture
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I want SuperOpenMegaAwesomeOffice in paf format... Smile

(This is the move I was asking in another thread the conflict Oracle vs FLOSS and the moving of the community to IllumOS, MariaDB, and now the Office Suite... VirtualBox will follow)

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

Darkbee's picture
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Open Source Will Never Die!

As we discussed, I think people will move away from Oracle's apps very quickly if they start putting all kinds of restrictions on them. That's the beauty of open source, if someone tries to hold you over a barrel, you simply take the last good source code and start your own fork. Granted, we might not see "OpenOffice" or "VirtualBox" anymore but the applications will live on.

It's sad to see if Oracle do decide to bend the user-community over a desk (if you'll pardon my expression). I guess it's all about the money these days... money never sleeps just like the movie says.

Pyromaniac's picture
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OOo no!

get it? Blum

I remember reading somewhere, when I first found out about Oracle buying Sun, that Oracle wanted to be like Google--not like with the search engine, but like Microsoft's biggest threat, and how its sad how they are nowhere near that status.

Now, instead of gaining fans, they are just losing them... we should just all send Oracle a "please give us OO.o back!" letter and see if all 100,000 PA.c users and fans can get them to change their decision.

Hey John, why not make that a news post? I betcha Oracle will be so flooded, they won't have a choice but to let us distribute the new version.

But I was looking at the screenshots of LibreOffice, it does look better.

I guess we can just wait to find out...

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I would like to see this for v. 3.3

Since a new portable OO is so hard to create, and there are concerns with multiple office suites, it would be nice if the next release for a portable office app would be Libre (based on 3.3), and then if Oracle ever releases its death grip then 3.4 could address that future scenario. For v3.3 I would like to see LibreOffice.


FOSS forever!

Aciago's picture
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paf format

Ok, I understand that as an officialy supported application, at least ATM it will not happen but... we are a community, why not take it as a community and try to release a portable version of LibreOffice, in paf format?

Ok, ATM is a beta, and I think we should not work with a beta... but what about the near future?

I will take the current OpenOffice Portable and the current LibreOffice beta, install and replace the App folder, and test if it works fine... if it works, I just need to change the screenshot... Wink


If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Please stop it!

... cause it will not work!

The file structure for 3.3 and LibreOffice 3.3 is different to 3.2.x!

That's why a redesign for the launcher is needed.
Work is in progress at the moment.

Warning! If You'll use die actual launcher with 3.3. You'll get in trouble, cause You'll leave traces on the local computer and some other ugly issues will occure!

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solanus's picture
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Thanks, MarkoMLM

I think everybody's just very excited about the news, after months of worrying that Oracle would do the same thing to OOo that they did to OpenSolaris.
Most of us that have been here for years know that John and you and the rest of the devs are on top of this.

OOo 3.2 still works fine, we can wait until the dust settles and we can see the path forward.

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Aciago's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago
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Stoped... Smile

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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... I'll inform You soon, if testers of the new version are needed Wink

Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!

Pyromaniac's picture
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looking forward to it Biggrin

I like your signature, by the way.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
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After seeing the request for

After seeing the request for LibreOffice I thought "Naaah" but it has become clear that many developers have joined up to this continuation of OOo under a more independant umbrella. The foundation also tries to get Oracle to join them and are hoping Oracle will 'donate' the OOo brand name to the new foundation.

The new foundation is backed by many other enteties among them are FSF, Google, Novell, Red Hat and Conical (Ubuntu) among others.

It seems the foundation is created at a time where there's a bit of doubt about Oracle when it comes to Open Source Software. Ideally lebreOffice would not be a fork but THE official continuation of OOo. There's also a chance that Oracle wants to keep and further develope OOo but only time will tell.

It's worth to keep an eye on things how they turn out in the near future. But maybe it could not hurt if already discusses things with the foundation in case the change is happening so will be ready if and when it happens.

Just my 2 cents.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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Keeping in

We happen to have a convenient contact in on the (or whatever you wish to call it) community - Marko. He's been dealing with some talks and working with it, so definitely won't be being left in the lurch whatever happens with it.

From what I've heard in general and from John, I believe this change in situation - whether it stays LibreOffice or gets or goes back to - will benefit

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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And for anyone wondering about timing, LibreOffice is based on the OO.o 3.3 build, which is still very much a beta and shouldn't be used as your main production office suite yet. I believe the release is scheduled for later this year or earlier next. So, this is definitely not a 'we need to do something right now' situation.

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I kind of agree here--if

I kind of agree here--if someone wants to do an alpha version or something, that'd be good. But as far as an official release goes, it'd be better if Pa.c waited for the kinks to get worked out with the software itself and with Oracle.

IMO LibreOffice is the way to go down the road, but not just yet.


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Oracle will not give up OO; decides not to work with LibreOffice
Pyromaniac's picture
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there is still no article that it will not work with

there is still hope

Darkbee's picture
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Still a Major Downer

It is a blow for the OO community though. Sad Less cooperation (or in this case, none) generally isn't a good thing.

I'm not a religious man but I'm still praying that Oracle doesn't start to pull Microsoft/Apple on us and close it's doors on all the software it has acquired. Then "forks" are going to look like the best option.

Pyromaniac's picture
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stupid greed

betcha ten bucks they will.

tgrantt's picture
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Betcha ten bucks nobody takes your bet.

I am not my signature.

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be thankful the products are open source

yes it could be a small problem, but the beauty of Open Source is it can continue. If Oracle closes up everything they bought(and not developed), the development of all that great software WILL continue.

this is why FOSS is the best model.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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Oracle has kicked LO people out of OOo

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Pyromaniac's picture
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Ah well, I was never a real big fan of Oracle (or at least I had no opinion of them) but now... well, we'll see what happens.

@LibreOffice Developers: Fight the power!!!

(should we send them a link to this topic? :puzzled:)

solanus's picture
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I'm sure they've got this info by now

It's in a whole lot of news releases, and I'm sure the affected people aren't being silent about this!

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Oracle </3 The Document Foundation

Charles H. Schulz has been ousted completely from OOo and Oracle. From his own words he comes to a determination Oracle made them a competitor and a fork after all.

solanus's picture
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A change of mind...

I'm happy to see that the Document Foundation has been formed, and I personally look forward to the day when my favorite office suite is no longer dependent on Oracle for ANYTHING.
Until now, however, I've been on the side of "waiting" regarding the creation of a Portable version of LibreOffice.

I've changed my mind, I think it's important to create a portable version of LibreOffice Beta 2 as soon as possible.
Because the main strength of PortableApps, the packaging of an entire app in one folder, is also a great benefit to developers getting their app beta tested.
LibreOffice would like people to migrate from OpenOffice to their product. Unfortunately, installing LibreOffice locally can mess up any local version of OpenOffice, so people who are relying on OOo for daily productivity won't dare to beta test LO. And even though I use OOPortable, I'm concerned that a local copy of LO might mess with that too.
But if I had a LibreOffice Beta 2 Portable, I'd be more than happy to join the ranks of beta testers for that app!

Therefore, I'm advocating for the creation of LibreOffice Beta 2 Portable.

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Simeon's picture
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that... that actually makes sense. (Get Smart)

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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In Progress

The work is already in progress courtesy of Marko of the LibreOffice team.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

solanus's picture
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Thanks to both of you!

Thanks to both of you! Looking forward to it!

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Simeon's picture
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that's great to hear!

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

KaaMoS's picture
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LibreOffice RC1 Released!

Nice news!
Most of all when LibreOffice just came out from Beta 3 to RC1!!

I heard LibreOffice could save files directly as Office 2007/2010 formats (docx, xlsx, etc)... that true?


rhY's picture
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That is AWESOME!!

I can't WAIT for a truly FOSS version of Virtualbox. Anybody got news on this?

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Mir's picture
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its a release canadate

so its nothing more than a beta before its final release. it may stay in that state perpetually like some other programs out there.

solanus's picture
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This will definitely NOT be in perpetual beta

If you take the time to look around at their site, and if you've been following the news, this is one of the most active projects out there.
Read the bug tracker, the wiki, the new web page.
The pace of the development on this very complicated piece of software is quite fast. I expect that they will have a final release of 3.3 long before we get the OK from Oracle to use their latest OpenOffice version.

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