doesn't matter wich portable app i want to start. Theres alway a message from the program in the right edge of the desktop and it seems to start. but then theres just a windows message which says that the programm doesn't work! this happens with EVERY program i tried and i tried a lot!!
i hope some of you can help me.
You haven't given us much to go on except "it's broke and please help".
Maybe you could detail exactly what you've done, and then what happens. Sorta like:
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
-first i downloaded a few programms as a torrent from different sites
(adobe After effects, Premiere, cinema 4d...)
-the downloads consists only one .exe file which are about 200-500mb
-i started them by double klicking
-a small kind of window opens in the edge directly above the time in the task bar which tells me the creator of the portable app.
-this window disappears and a windows windows opens which tells me
Adobe After Effects Cs4 funktioniert nicht mehr, es wird nach einer Lösung gesucht"
which means that the program has crashed and windows is searching for a solution.
a few seconds later this window tells me that the program has a problem ,can't get started and windows couldn't find a solution.
-the same programs still work on the pc of a friend without problems!!!
-one of the first apps i tried told me bevore crashing in the little window with the creators name which files it loads. and i think it crashed by loading some dll files but the names switched too fast to see the exact name...
All of the apps you mentioned are unsupported and illegal, warez software often made with a cracked version of ThinApp. Most will not work on many PCs and will mess up legitimate copies of the same apps on some PCs. None of those apps are made by us nor support by us.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!