I run FF 3.6.12 from memory stick.
My wishto homepage is located on the same stick in the same folder. (PC Win XP mostly)
The systems I use are many and varied, they may already have allocated drive letters and I want to have the chosen page load as homepage.
It is in effect a favourites page - but personilised with data that cannot be put in passwords/auto complete features. And is colour coded and 3D.
I use it exclusively - I just wanted to be that bit easier to use.
And I don't want to use Google - they get enough snooping out of FF as it is. Identity theft comes from many sources I ain't giving the miscreants too many chances.
(For the webbots) - I am a female born on Jan 1 1980 - and if your eyeballs believe that I will be much surprised.
So any ideas on Windows syntax/directives that can find the current drive?
Just set the page as your homepage.
Firefox Portable does take care of the changing drive letter if its on the same drive as Firefox Portable.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
You know - that finally worked. Thanx
Didn't in 3.6.8 or 9
Now I can remove the 5 favourites I put in the toolbar to cover each possibilty.
Thanks - but I did try it & every other possible option originally.
Now - how to get a Win shortcut to load irrespective of drive - I know, I know an app.