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Iron Portable 7.0.520.0 (stable) Pre-Release 1

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computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
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Iron Portable 7.0.520.0 (stable) Pre-Release 1

Application: Iron
Category: Internet
Description: SRWare Iron: the browser of the future - it's like Google Chrome, only without any privacy or security problems.

Download Iron Portable 7.0.520.0 Pre-Release 1 [17.9MB download / 77.8MB installed]

(MD5: )

Release Notes:

Version 7.0.520.0, Pre-Release 1 (2010-10-30):
Updated to the latest version of Iron
Bug fix: portable passwords should work now
Changed: completely rewrote the launcher
Changed: the launcher will not support Unicode anymore

Version 6.0.475, Development Test 1 (2010-09-09):
Updated to the latest version of Iron

Version 5.0.382, Development Test 3 (2010-09-09):
Updated to the latest version of the Installer

Version 5.0.382, Development Test 2 (2010-08-24):
Bug fix: Dictionaries and globally-installed extensions weren't properly backed up & restored (thanks to Chris Morgan for report)
Improvement: Added support for activating incognito mode by changing Incognito=false to Incognito=true in IronPortable.ini
Improvement: Added language switching (thanks to Chris Morgan for suggestion & PAL entries)
Improvement: Languages are now optional at installation time (thanks to Chris Morgan for suggestion & installer.ini entries)
Improvement: Deleted most of the files from Other\Source, thereby saving a few hundred KB (thanks to Chris Morgan for suggestion)
Improvement: Made a few minor changes to appinfo.ini (thanks to Chris Morgan for suggestions)

Version 5.0.382, Development Test 1 (2010-08-22):
Updated to the latest version of Iron
Improvement: certain settings are now preset on new installations of Iron Portable (note: this only affects new installations)

Version 5.0.381, Development Test 2 (2010-07-12):
Bug fix: Iron Portable will no longer crash because of a missing adblock.ini after upgrading (only affects upgrading from version 5.0.380 Development Test 2 or earlier)
Improvement: Iron will no longer ask to be set as the default browser on its first run (only affects new installations of Iron Portable)
Improvement: Iron's download location will be set to ask, and will save files to the root of the installation drive by default (only affects new installations of Iron Portable)

Version 5.0.381, Development Test 1 (2010-06-25):
Updated to the latest version of Iron
Improvement: adblock.ini is now backed up & restored (Note: if Iron Portable crashes on launch after upgrading, try closing Iron Portable, then copy adblock.ini from DefaultData to Data and run Iron Portable again. It should then work as expected.)
Improvement: Downloads folder now has its drive letter properly changed

Version 5.0.380, Development Test 2 (2010-06-07):
Bug fix: Data was always left behind in the Registry and sometimes left behind in %LOCALAPPDATA% (thanks to vf2nsr for report)
Improvement: Upgrading from old versions of Iron Portable will no longer cause Iron Portable to lose all your settings (thanks to Chris Morgan for the code to do this)

Version 5.0.380, Development Test 1 (2010-06-05):
Updated to the latest version of Iron
Improvement: Iron Portable now redirects Iron's settings folder instead of backing it up & restoring it. WARNING: this change makes this version of Iron Portable unable to read data from previous versions of Iron Portable. Before you upgrade, you will need to manually backup & restore any settings, bookmarks, etc. you wish to keep. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Updated to the latest version of the Launcher
Updated to the latest version of the Installer
Updated to the latest version of the Format

Version 4.0.28, Development Test 3 (2010-04-08):
Updated to the latest version of the Launcher (this should fix an issue with files being left behind in the temp folder)
Version 5.0.326, Development Test 3 (2010-04-08):
Updated to the latest version of the Launcher (this should fix an issue with files being left behind in the temp folder)

Version 4.0.28, Development Test 2 (2010-03-16): Upgraded the launcher to PAL
Version 5.0.326, Development Test 2 (2010-03-16): Upgraded the launcher to the latest version of PAL

Version 5.0.326, Development Test 1 (2010-03-08): Initial release (5.0.326 alpha)
Version 4.0.28, Development Test 1 (2010-01-29): Initial release (4.0.28 stable)

computerfreaker's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-11 11:24
Please test and provide feedback!

As you can see from the release notes, I had to totally rewrite the launcher for this release. Portable Passwords and Unicode aren't mixing well, so I had to go back to Ansi NSIS. That means no PAL.

I need as many people on as many OSs as possible to test and provide feedback so this can be declared fully stable and released as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep working on Portable Passwords to see if I can make it play nicely with Unicode, so we can go back to PAL.

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."

Mark Sikkema
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-20 14:55
I had a quick look at the 'Portable Passwords' plug-in...

... but I cannot seem to compile it with MingW or MSVC++ 6.0 Sad

Did you see the comment in 'sqlite3.c' :

Note to Windows users: The encoding used for the filename argument
** of sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open_v2() must be UTF-8, not whatever
** codepage is currently defined. Filenames containing international
** characters must be converted to UTF-8 prior to passing them into
** sqlite3_open() or sqlite3_open_v2().

Try if converting the filename into utf-8 helps you out.

Anyway, I am willing to help you with this (where I can), if I could meet you in IRC, probably this evening (European time Smile ). Not sure what time that would be for you, but I will keep an eye on the logs for you.

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Yeah, going back to PAL I

Yeah, going back to PAL I think is the only way to solve my issue but I'm not sure.

I upgrade and it overwrote everything as usual, keeping my extensions, etc.

However, the plugins directory under \PortableApps\IronPortable\App\Iron is missing. The browser thinks, for example, the WMP plugin is still installed but it can't find the actual DLL so it lists the wrong DLL:

Windows Media Player - Version:
Npdsplay dll

Also, with the change away from PAL, the IronPortable.ini no longer works as expected. Before, I was able to change my cache location with:


I added the following line to the new IronPortable.ini:


This produces the cache folder as a subfolder of %TEMP% in the application directory (\PortableApps\IronPortable\App\Iron) so it obviously isn't recognizing the syntax. Using "C:\TEMP" for example produces the expected result.

I'm sure the issues are related to the ANSI/Unicode issue and I'll probably have to wait but I wanted to bring them to your attention just in case it's helpful.

Also, just one small thing. The IronPortable.ini in the source directory contains the following remarks:

# The above options are explained in the included readme.txt
# This INI file is an example only and is not used unless it is placed as described in the included readme.txt

The "included" readme.txt says:

The files in this directory are necessary for Google Chrome Portable to function. There is normally no need to directly access or alter any of the files within these directories.

Thanks for your efforts and I hope you get it all worked it out soon.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Environment parsing

Custom launchers have tended to take AdditionalParameters verbatim; PAL parses environment variables in it.

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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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I figured that was the issue.

I figured that was the issue. I've got it patched together for now. I'll just have to wait for the permanent fix.

Last seen: 1 hour 2 min ago
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I did a quick test on WinXP

I did a quick test on WinXP SP3 (admin rights). Works flawless for now. Regshot was clean, no problems so far. I did not have time to go any further than surf to some sites and change some settings (old settings have been preserved after upgrade).
I can not tell about the password plugin as I never save mine in any browser.

Good job!

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new topic


Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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Problem with chromium

I've experienced this problem with both Chrome (portable) and Iron.

Whenever I try to access encrypted websites from school computers (such as gmail), behind their ultra-restrictive proxy, I get errors such as "page not found" or "server error" and that the "page does not exist"

I don't know why, but every single other browser can access https websites just fine. I think this is a serious problem within the chromium source code, so umm... yeah.

From first test, I did notice a fast startup (nice splash) and quick loading of pages.

Just that stupid little problem where I can't even access my email!


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firefox seems to rule the roost in this area, making all other browsers a 2ndary option, such as using gmail browser just for gmail, i mean google chrome>gmail, or flock for facebook. Firefox gets slow, on some computers, especially when bloated with plug-ins, but it still is #1 on my list. I had a hard time getting iron to do stuff like 'down them all' and 'no-script', etc.

I don't even bother keeping up with google chrome anymore, but i'll track this as it is idealogically sound, so far


Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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What's the latest?

I haven't seen any activity for a few days, so I thought I'd check back and see on progress...

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Would it be possible to move back to Unicode and PAL and just leave out portable passwords for now?

Seems kinda strange to modify the base package for an add-on...

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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New Version
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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no progress for months on (, no updating to new versions, probably dead project ... Sad Sad Sad Is there any crucial problem?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 29 min 1 sec ago
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Um, huh?

The last release was approximately one month ago and was a complete rewrite looking for feedback, so "no progress for months" is basically just making stuff up for effect to try and rile the developer.

Last was posted the build had issues and Mark offered his help. I know they had talked outside the forums (lots of dev stuff happens in IRC chat). If computerfreaker no longer has the time to work on this, someone else will pick it up at some point.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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It's been about 6 weeks. The project isn't dead by any means. The latest release had a fairly serious issue and it's obviously taking some time to fix. We all need to be patient, myself included.

Last seen: 1 hour 2 min ago
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I can understand that quite a

I can understand that quite a few people may be concerned a bit because computerfreaker tended to be very active over the last year pushing out many great dev tests, and now seems to be absent since some weeks. He will have his reasons.
Many devs here work in their spare time, for free and for your pleasure Wink and pressing things is a good way to rain on somebodys parade.

I'd also like to know if his developments continue as he has contributed a bunch of very useful apps, but if he is still interested he will come around sometime.
It'd be a pity if not, but that is only up to him...


sweepsnregs's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-26 00:26
4 questions: all Google Chrome extensions @ work with Iron browser?

And Iron gets updated each and everytime Google Chrome gets updated and just as soon? (I have a feeling no cuz I can compare it over @ ) If not, what's the updating logic/frequency for Iron?

Iron based off the stable Google Chrome channel?


EDIT: I started asking before reading but after I did, now see OP/dev not active lately...but any1 can answer what seems to be the updating logic/frequency for Iron? (Well, the other questions too.) Oh, BTW, how fast is Iron, relatively/subjective opinion of course?

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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1) Yes, it works since starting Iron project. Now, explicitly wroted in announcement about Iron 8 release

2) , Differencies in privacy and security


4) Yes ... based on few builds ahead of stable channel of Chrome. But it is opensource, so based on Chromium, not Google Chrome. ... normally one optimized release each month.

5) Relatively same or better speed than Chrome or Opera (because its lightness in comparison with others ... (point 2)

6) Currently ... Iron 8.0 Portable you can download here , but it is not in format, but normal Zip.

7) Ask all other about Iron in its own forum. (point 3) Not here if its not portable issue only.

sweepsnregs's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-26 00:26
Thanks z25, 2 more question:Adobe Flash and Java contents?

how does Iron Portable handle Flash and JRE/JVM (what must I install...and how)? How fast is Iron compared to Apple Safari for Windows, if u know?

(Interesting to note that footnote #4 in the Wikipedia article.)

Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
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You can´t blindly believe all things what are in Wikipeida, but be critic. Iron is not scam. It is same as other Google Chrome copies. For example Comodo Dragon, Arora, QtWeb or every other webkit browsers. Same situation are copies with Gecko,Trident,other WebKit browsers. Chromium its opensource, so everyone can take that code and do their own web browser. For example "z25blinks´s Firefox" instead Mozilla Firefox originally. Iron is Chromium with many privacy-scam feutures removed from that code, and plus SRWare opensource logo. Nothing more. Nothing less.

If you use Iron installed on PC, so Java and Flah must be installed too on your operating system. If you use Iron on portable USB stick and try it on PC, which have not Java and Flash installed, ... simply not running ... and you must install it...extremely easy.

One question for you ... Have you computer (in year 2010) which have not this essential things installed? Is there such a computer in the world? If yes, you must help yourself and install them. You can search for plugins you like. Java is opensource, Flash nad Silverlight, Adobe Air and more you must install from internet (type in your browser "get flash" and install it ... "get silverlight" and "get adobe air"). Again. Extremely easy.

Apple Safari 5.0 is very fast on Windows. Same as Firefox 4.0 or Opera 11.0 or IE 9.0 or other thousands browsers there Nowadays, all browsers are fast. Speed was main factor to happy with browser since 1970´s to 2007(,8,9).

Please, ask on other forums. is not advisory room or computer help desk. This questions should you debate on SRWare Iron Forums, not here. Have a nice day.

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-01 10:54
Chromium, Iron, and Google Chrome...

Google Chrome and Iron are both derivative of Chromium. Chromium is the open-source browser which forms the basis of both Chrome and Iron, as well as many other projects.

SRWare updates Iron about once a month and until recently, the portable version here was updated on a similar schedule. However, there was an issue with Portable Passwords in the latest release and computerfreaker decided to switch the launcher to a different version in order to get Portable Passwords to work. For whatever reason, that was the last update.

On the subject of extensions, I have not encountered an extension or plugin that I used on Chrome that will not work on Chromium or Iron. For flash player, having it installed locally on the machine will NOT work. You need to have the Flash Player plugin (a DLL file) in your app directory. Still pretty easy to do.

As for Iron being a "scam", that's pretty harsh. They're not trying to defraud anyone, at least not that I can see. But I do think Iron is largely unnecessary. I take exception with one thing z25blink said:

Iron is Chromium with many privacy-scam feutures removed from that code, and plus SRWare opensource logo.

Iron removes several items from GOOGLE CHROME that might compromise privacy. Several of the features SRWare says they removed DON'T EXIST in Chromium, just in Google Chrome. Furthermore, some others (ie. RLZ tracking ID) are easily disabled in Options.

For the sake of transparency, I will say that I have switched from Iron to Chromium. I am an avid Portable Apps user and this latest issue with Iron was a killer for me. Chromium is just as trim and fast as Iron and doesn't have alot of the privacy-related concerns of Google Chrome.

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