FF 3.6.12
FileZilla (to set-up before use that's why)
Notepad++ (OK it is usable after several hits and a very long wait but langs.xml failed without noticeable effect!)
I run FF 2 on a dial-up machine and it tried to connect twice. I removed the first one but left the second in just to verify normality. Which is the clue - along with the insistent Google box.
So - Why? and how to make these apps work off-line on a PC that has never connected.
Because I check my website on a myriad browsers and aim for the lowest common denominator - that's why. Is Mozilla 1.7.8 low enough? Obviously if it can handle 1600 lines of JavaScript.
So why if langs.xml is in the folder: "Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++"
can't it find it when there is no net connection?
Yea Yea - it is configuring the display for various programming languages (etc) and succeeds in using it.
FreeCommanderPortable works without the net connection - but then it would be pretty useless if it couldn't compete with WinExplorer.
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't persevere with them if they didn't provide powerful advantages, but limitations above are limitations. And snooping is not always benign - Google had to admit recently. I can't be bothered with Farcebook since it started asking me for my ex-directory telephone number.
Firefox should work fine offline to test web pages, which seems to be your goal.
By default, it is configured with a Home Page that is on the internet, but you have several options to work around that. The easiest is to set your Home Page to Blank. You can also choose to Work Offline from the File menu. Setting a local file as your default Home Page using relative links may not be possible; I certainly haven't found out how, but that's a limitation of Firefox in general (it may be a security thing, I don't know)
If that's not the issue, what exactly doesn't work in Firefox?
As for Filezilla, I'd also like to know exactly what you are trying to set up that fails. It's quite simple to go into the Site Manager and set up connections if you are offline, so long as when you are done you click OK and not Connect. I've even set up Default Remote Directories without being connected (so long as my syntax is correct). I haven't tried using the Network Connection Wizard without a network, but I don't think there's a reason to.
Again, if you have a different issue that you are experiencing, let us know, using specific examples and error messages.
I've never had your issue with Notepad++, so I don't know how to answer that.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.