use portable apps on c local drive directory and PA Menu 2b5
so had to format HDD so decided to migrate toward reinstalling as much of the apps as PAs -- whether PAF or non-PAF. This way i'm thinking i can duplicate their configs to other machines as well as backup purpose w/o registry mucking up worries...uninstall? pfft, just simply delete app folder...any of these points/thinkings wrong? So how should the installation directory structure(s) be (something like C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\downloads\PAF_installED\dummyPAfolderHere work? This so making it easy for me -- just backup 1 folder 'downloads')???
PAs used on C drive would be slower than their .EXE counterparts? Configs be diff/diff so help performance since special case C drive?
Thinking of add/remove programs for JRE/JVM then install 6u22 in PAF format...then PAFs OOo and browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera (others?) all will be able to use Java? How would i take care of Flash contents for Opera and non-PA Safari? Any other pointers overlooked for this type of install?
but would like to use PA Menu 2b5...but this brings up a concern: what happens if i plug in a USB Flash stick with its own PA Menu...any conflict/get around fix?
thanks for ur help!
PS any plan to also make PA.c esp forums mobile format friendly (BlackBerry)?
There are no problems, when you run 2 Menus at the same time.
The only problem is, that you can't see which tray icon comes from which menu, becauce both icons have the same look.
I tested this witch the Beta-Version on my hard drive and the regular version on my USB-Stick.
where (windoze) OS is installed?
or ''my hard drive'' = extra internal HDDs D: E: etc ???
= external HDDs D: E: etc ?
thanks! curious me
Put your portable apps folder as a subfolder of the C: drive.
Mine is c:\PortableAppsSuite\
Three excellent reasons to do this:
1. OpenOffice and other apps don't like long file paths, and Windows actually has limits on file path lengths.
2. Windows does a lot of funky stuff to User folders, so I don't recommend putting anything in Desktop, My Documents, etc.
3. Short path = easy to find.
You still can just back up the one folder.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Something to keep in mind is that PortableApps installers default to \PortableApps so my directory is c:\PortableApps
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
If you install it to the root, there are a few loose files in C: (StartPortableApps.exe and autorun.inf), and the Documents folder installs in parallel to the PortableApps folder, so it's kind of a pain to back up; and it renames your C: drive via the autorun.inf, which I don't like.
So my structure is actually
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
That's the difference.
I don't use the menu. Most of the time I launch by finding the program in FreeCommander and double-clicking on the right .exe file.
So yes, your solution to move out of the root of drive c: is a good idea. Thanks for explaining it.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I also have my portable apps in C:\PortableApps, and I recently discovered that I can access my portable apps directly via the start menu.
For Windows XP, at least, just create a shortcut to C:\PortableApps anywhere under "All Programs".
You can do this easily by dragging-and-dropping the folder into the start menu where you want it.
After that, you can navigate the PortableApps folder and its sub-folders as sub-menus of the start menu.
To start VLCPortable, I go:
Start >> All Programs >> PortableApps >> VLCPortable >> VLCPortable.exe
Easy as!
b4 I get to the main attraction, is gonna go official soon?
USB 2.0 2.5'' HDD for PAF s for Mythbuntu Linux and Windows platforms. Optimum file system/format? Still FAT32? Or something else?
Just got a 2.5'' 7200 rpm, 16 MB buffer external HDD USB 2.0 (Seagate Momentus SATA using in a HDD dock). According to , I would want to format said drive to FAT32...ah, but I got a new twist/question: I want to be able to shuffle this USB 2.0 HDD between AND (32-bit) Windows Vista HP, XP MCE 2004/2005 platforms. (I'm new to the Linux world...starting since 1/21/2011 F.) So what optimum file system would I use? Would FAT32 still serve for my purpose? Yah, I'm gonna use Wine on Linux!
This HDD is gonna be primarily for my installed PAF s (gonna be installed to X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable)... well as my saved/DL'ed paf.EXE s. (And I guess keep a few movies and music too). Any need to hoard these EXE s? I think they are readily available @, right (link(s)? Can't think/locate them right now but think there are 2?! One loads all in the directory/repository (so u better have broadband) and the other one not all of them...or something like that? January 2011 blackout did not compromise any PAF s?)???
For ONline installer types like GCP, Skype, ImgBurn: any old online installers will continue to work even when the apps have been updated? Or something's hardcoded so need to get each new online installer AND DELETE OLD online installers since they won't be no good? So if I need to do any sort of hoarding at my end, then backup installed GCP PAF s then do a FRESH GCP PAF install then copy over the X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable\Data folders over to keep settings whatnots?
SIDEBAR/SIDENOTE: @JTH, can u comment on feasibility of [ ]. I HOPE (and solanus too) it's doable:
I don't even know what to do with all that. There are about 20 questions in a single comment. I'll address the main bit. Don't install it to a sub-directory, install it to root as C:\PortableApps and then just delete the autorun.inf file to prevent your C drive from being renamed. It won't rename until you reboot anyway. There will be some C-drive-specific stuff in an upcoming version that better integrates.
For future reference, PLEASE trim your thoughts down to a single paragraph or two with a single question/point. It's nearly impossible to address or even read all of that at once.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
but they are just that: words. AND I DON'T THINK *THE CREATOR* OF PAF s can be intimidated by anything, am I wrong there? I don't think so! So please read on (I think it's just ur preconceptions/conceived ideas tripping u's quite easy to read dive in feeet first, JOHN! There's no sharks in the water!)...OK, let's answer this:
Just got a 2.5'' 7200 rpm, 16 MB buffer external HDD USB 2.0 (Seagate Momentus SATA using in a HDD dock). According to , I would want to format said drive to FAT32...ah, but I got a new twist/question: I want to be able to shuffle this USB 2.0 HDD between AND (32-bit) Windows Vista HP, XP MCE 2004/2005 platforms. (I'm new to the Linux world...starting since 1/21/2011 F.) So what optimum file system would I use? Would FAT32 still serve for my purpose? Yah, I'm gonna use Wine on Linux!
I think the issue is all the extraneous information. For example, that whole paragraph you posted is basically a single question: What file system should I use so that my external hard drive will work with Windows Vista, XP and Ubuntu/Mythbuntu? All the other surrounding information (2.5", 7200RPM, brand, buffer size, etc) is extraneous and only makes it much more difficult to answer the question.
The answer is FAT32 if you can, though Windows will specifically not let you format it as such (since it is inefficient). I believe current versions of Ubuntu do support NTFS for read and write, so you could use that as well, though I would advise formatting it on Ubuntu to ensure the security issue doesn't bite ya. Do not use ExFAT as it won't work with anything but Windows.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
now for the clues: those r called ''FMI s'' since we can track our postings. When I can't find the box in the future to remind me of said HDD specs, it's here to remind me, u see

sidetrack: planned upgrade of CMS/Drupal: will we be able to PM private message? ''Un''track postings we don't want for ex if i commented on ''Hi John/Chris, I think this is a SPAM posting'' I mean i don't want to track such trivial/cluttering post, knowatimean. still able to edit (most of the time any1 edit anything is because :drumroll: CLARITY) even after any1 replied to ur post
please don't make us log in just to use our 2 profiles or others' 2 profile links for that matter
as well as won't let me format them in FAT32, but it will FAT32 USB flash sticks like u helped me fixed in that Firefox thread? So it's a hdd vs flash stick kinda thing?!?!?! WILL 1 OR BOTH LINUX and WINDOWS let me read AND WRITE FAT32? BUT then U SAYING NTFS IS BETTER/''MORE EFFICIENT'' file system THAN FAT32 (just as long as MAKE SURE to NTFS it under LINUX) so use NTFS over FAT32...''BONUS'' is THAT Linux and Windows read AND WRITE to NTFS?
1) U said *answer* FAT32 then brought up NTFS. Therein the confusion! BUT ALSO WHAT BOUT NTFS *EXTERNAL* DRIVEs (whether ext HDDs OR flash sticks?!?!) ISSUE u lectured in same said Firefox-fix thread?? Remember I'm gonna be shuffling to a *VISTA* machine (and in future, sure i'm gonna buy/get a Windows 7 PC too)??? HUH? Knowatimean? Or that workaround is formatting NTFS under Linux, NOT Windows, like u alraedy said?! just trying to clear up for myself
2) as long as it's efficient and I can read and write said ''efficient'' file system in both Linux and Windows, I'm good to go!! hope we can clear things up so they are crystal
SO WHAT IS THE ONE, BOTTOM LINE ANSWER? wanting efficiency and compatibilities Linux+Windows (don't wanna look for troubles later on)
What is the question to which an answer you seek?
If the question is (as I suspect it is) "What format should I use on an external hard drive which I plan to use Portable Apps from on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux (Ubuntu/Mythbuntu), and eventually Windows 7?" then the answer is (as has already been stated multiple times) FAT32.
Windows Vista & Windows 7 both have problems with NTFS on "Removable Drives", thus despite the fact that it is "more efficient", and it allows for 4GB and larger files (FAT32 can not handle 4GB or larger files) it is not recommended for use on storage which is planned to be moved one computer to another.
P.S. In the future please try to keep your comments pithy.
(or at least make them pithier)
Windows won't let me format FAT32? so how the sam hell will i do a FAT32 then? plz enlighten! and after enlightenment re Windows...what bout Linux, meaning Linux will ALSO WRITE to FAT32 (not just read)?
Don't use Linux. If you start trolling Ubuntu forums half as much, you'll get banned in no time. Please, please do as John asked you to and stop editing your posts with no reason. You keep bumping this in the tracker and it's very annoying.
Answer to your question: Yes, Ubuntu will read and write FAT (any kind), NTFS, ext2 3 or 4, reiserfs and many more. It's not Ubuntu you need to worry about... It's just about setting the proper permissions/restrictions if formatting as NTFS (set to "everyone"), or making multiple partitions if formatting as FAT on a bigger HD.
Honestly, I don't think you should use Ubuntu (or any other GNU/Linux system, let alone something like BSD). If you can't find the answers to these questions via a simple internet search, you're bound to get baffled and confused by Ubuntu...
[addition]: Posted late due to my connection dying out on me... I see solanus answered similarly.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Seriously, I had to read your thread several times just to figure out what your issues really are, and all those capital letters and question/exclamation marks kinda make me jumpy.
You obviously don't know much about the difference between FAT32 and NTFS.
A little Google searching will help you get some background info, but I'll try to give you some basics. Realize that you will have to make a choice, and there are plusses and minus to both.
First: FAT32 is very universally compatible with every major operating system including all versions of Windows and Linux. USB drives and SD cards are almost always already in FAT32 format, and some external hard drives, too. FAT32 does not store user-permissions information (aka ACL), so that won't cause permission conflicts. On the down side, there are size limitations. The largest file you can save in a FAT32 drive is 4GB. And Windows can't format a drive larger than 32GB with FAT32 - but you might be able to find a utility on the internet that can. That's up to you to find.
Second: NTFS works with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7, and most major Linux systems. It has no filesize limits, or drive size limits for currently available drives. Most larger external hard drives already come formatted with NTFS. The downside of NTFS is that it also stores user permissions, so it's possible to accidentally format a drive and set permissions that are tied to a specific user on a specific computer - that's the security issue that John's talking about. There are ways around this, including formatting in Ubuntu, or setting all permissions on the drive to "EVERYONE". You will need to do some research on the internet, on your own, if you want to fully understand this.
While people on these forums will try to help people with their portable apps issues, you can help the flow of communication by keeping your questions concise and to the point, with a minimum of shouting (capitals) and excessive punctuation. And, don't forget that everyone here helps voluntarily.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
think gonna go FAT32,Seagate's own DiscWizard should let me format > 32 GB HDD to FAT32, right?!
U got me figured solanus, I never claimed to be a knowitall/poser anything. All I'm is I ask the right Qs to get the right As. Which I'm sure that's the way John was when he was going to school! He asked them to clarify things he didn't fully understand! And speaking about clarifying things, that's the same reason most of the times any1 edit anything: to add clarity! So why is it now I get knocked on my ass for doing the same thing! :scratching head: (I know he didn't get this smart by being a mute in class, aight!) AND thanks solanus for ur help/answering! Onto topics at hand:
Forgot to mention, it's a 500GB HDD (also on box: ''certified'' logos/sys reqs:LINUX,Windows 7,Vista,XP,Mac OS X with Intel CPUs;SATA 2.0=3Gb[it]/s;5 yr from box markings, what do u think is HDD formatted in? EDIT: from ur lesson ,since HDD > 32 GB-limit, I'm gonna say NTFS. So I guess I might have to allow that ''EVERYONE'' thing!). What I gathered/iirc, if HDD mostly small-ish files=FAT32, largish=videos=DVD-Video's=NTFS (SO 1 Q: if a given file is > 4 GB and u want to copy it to a FAT32 drive, what happens then? Must use a file splitter/joiner?! I think the app name is HJSplit, right? ANY PLAN TO PAF HJSplit which is avail for Linux,Windows,Java?), mixed of these/medium-sized files=user decides/pick one and go with it. SO I think I'm gonna go with FAT32. Cuz I said I wanna use HDD for:
(1) installed PAF s/bootable Linux OS/disk/drive/a good rescue tool/disk/drive. Rescue/troubleshooting whether from crashed/dead PC and/or malwares. What's a good Linux distro to use as a bootable rescue disk/drive (mobo permitting)?
(2) DL'ed/saved paf.EXE s (BTW, should I need to hoard these or they readily avail? Or for that matter, just answer this ) + avast.EXE + ZoneAlarm.EXE + Service Packs
(3) (And I guess keep a few movies and music too for portable entertainment on the road/in between fixing computers.)
SO from my , @ bottom of , says Seagate's own DiscWizard should let me format > 32 GB HDD to FAT32, right?!
But should I later change mind thus format said HDD NTFS so need to
setting all permissions on the drive to "EVERYONE", then exactly what aspect of security am I loosening the security noose by allowing everyone? Am I throwing the gate open 100%? And for what particular security aspects/issues? BUT to avoid all of this, then highly recommended to format NTFS under Ubuntu/Mythbuntu...I got that! BUT NTFS for my (3) mixed-uses would be a waste of HDD space, right?!
Again, thanks for ur help, solanus!
[FMI/EDIT: @ (do Ctrl+F) Please select the Operating System (OS) you would like to use to format the drive from the list below: (then another Ctrl+F) Windows 7, Vista and XP
SUMMARY from + from JTH:
read WRITE
FAT (any variant) Y Y
Windows (Vista,XP,7)
FAT32 largest HDD allowed ~32 GB unless use 3rd party utilities
NTFS advised to NTFS-format under Linux,NOT Windows ]
Again, please stop editing these long comments over and over and over again. It's distracting and adds nothing.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
If one repeatedly ignores a perfectly reasonable request made by the administrator of a website, he may well get BANNED.
(likely a tempBAN first as a warning, then a permaBAN if you continue after being allowed back on the site.)
PLEASE stop, as JTH said, it adds NOTHING, and is distracting.
Note: I hope banning you won't be necessary, but if it's distracting JTH, it may be slowing progress on the Platform, and since we all want the platform to be released soon, I urge you to please stop.
P.S. If you want to edit a post repeatedly, don't hit save, hit preview, make any more edits you want, and when you are eventually happy, THEN (and only then) hit save (and then be happy with it, don't edit it again, please).
that also implies their ''orderliness'' in thread/thought ideaS also. read on and u shall find as i promised!!
This HDD is gonna be primarily for my installed PAF s (gonna be installed to X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable)... well as my saved/DL'ed paf.EXE s. (And I guess keep a few movies and music too). Any need to hoard these EXE s? I think they are readily available @, right? Link(s)? Can't think/locate them right now but think there are 2?! One loads all in the directory/repository (so u better have broadband) and the other one not all of them...or something like that? January 25, 2011 blackout did not compromise any PAF s?
For ONline installer types like GCP, Skype, ImgBurn: any old online installers will continue to work even when the apps have been updated? Or something's hardcoded so need to get each new online installer AND DELETE OLD online installers since they won't be no good? So if I need to do any sort of hoarding at my end, then backup installed GCP PAF s then do a FRESH GCP PAF install then copy over the X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable\Data folders over to keep settings whatnots?
(AND THE SIDEBAR is the 3rd parter! TA DA!) EDIT: Ah, the future, the stragglers won't be stragglers anymore! Easier backing up, alright!
EDIT: Ah, the future, the stragglers won't be stragglers anymore! Easier backing up, alright!........ah, but I missed the C: drive part.....but what if it's drives other than C:, like D: E: etc? ya know, the straggler files still ''better integrated''?
You've been editing 5 separate comments (without replies) for the past 2 hours so they keep showing up as new posts in the tracker... and I can't figure out why. It's completely unnecessary.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
both ur and mine OCD/neurotic-ism/ness are getting the betters of us?!?! idk, i'm just a crack psycho...logist. So in this regard, i'm not better than u and u not better than me. So let's shake hands and call us even :stick any smiley h ere maybe even including }:) :
all kiddings aside, let's both of us agree to agree on this, John: u overlook my neuron and I will also return the favor?! DEAL?! John, WHAT I'M SAYING is, it's neuroticism in the full sense of the word. It's hard to change as changing the personality of a Charles Grodin to a Bill Murray/Robin Williams. If u (not talking about u u, per se) were Charles Grodin, it's VERY NECESSARY!!! BUT necessary or not, BOTTOM LINE is, it's still very hard to change from a Grodin to a Murray/Williams, haha! I hope u know what i mean. In other words, I'm sure I'm not the only one in forum that does this so I-overlook-u-overlook-okee-dokee
PS Grodin plz don't send H-wood hitmen after me
PPS CG, i know u were just acting to be boring anyway. see u were so believable as an act-or, that's why i believed u!
Waaaay back in the era of dime-store novels, authors were paid on a per-word basis. That meant that the authors said a lot without conveying much real meat.
I believe that this is the real reason behind complaints about your "style".
To my knowledge, this forum doesn't keep track of the number of words published per person, so it isn't a contest.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Which is why Charles Dickens and Alexander Dumas don't post here.
I am not my signature.
What exactly do you think is the benefit of having a PAF folder?
Normally the layout is this:
|-(all my installed portable apps)
so your folder layout looks like you just put all of this just one folder deeper into the hierarchy.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate