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Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-05 23:09

Little FYI.. I started a SVNPortable project on sourceforge today. Thought it be nice if one could just download a file, unpack it and start using it without jumping through allot of hoops. I've been fiddling around with SVN on Win32 lately and have gotten ..some.. results. This fiddling has turned into a hobby project. I say hobby because I use SVN mainly for DEV without messing around with it. I'm not a expert at SVN and learning as I go like allot of people, however I'm writing steps as scripts & batch files to make SVN easier in this distribution. Nothing too spectacular, it now consist of a couple of files to start and stop the server from the programs root dir. Some other files simplify stuff like mirroring repositories. You can move the root dir anywhere (flash drive, TrueCrypt vol) and the distribution ->should still