I wish that someone would make a simple converter that took an existing u3 drive with apps that run on Sandisk and would convert it to work with Portableapps thus the end user would be able to just switch over to this menu system.
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I wish that someone would make a simple converter that took an existing u3 drive with apps that run on Sandisk and would convert it to work with Portableapps thus the end user would be able to just switch over to this menu system.
U3 was a closed source platform, so there's no interest from PA to do such thing.
To run a U3 app like a normal portable app (without the need to modify the original .u3p package) we would need to modify the platform menu to include some runtime variables that U3 used to use, besides the extraction of .u3p packages and the read of some informations inside .u3i file (this file contains information needed for correct execution of the application). There is also the need of implementation of routines like app start/shutdown handled by platform.
Then it ends up not being easy to do and unviable, because most U3 applications are now obsolete.
Sorry for my english.
u3p files are simple renamed zip files if I remember correctly (I removed U3 a while back) so you could try putting them in the right folder (X:/PortableApps/Appname) and see if they work.
I wouldnt go as far as to say that there is no interest here to do a converter, its just that U3 has been dead a while now and there are more impßortand things for most of us here (well, for me at least ;)).
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U3P files are, in fact, ZIP files renamed. But, U3 is not just a zipped archive with a "portable" application inside. Like I said before, to execute a U3 application are necessary routines that are read inside a XML file when running from U3 launchpad. Most U3 applications can't run correctly only unzipping then and opening a EXE, cause they need variables that are only parsed by U3 launchpad.
but I guess that's not what you want...