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Portable Pidgin vs. portable Opera

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Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2010-12-31 07:28
Portable Pidgin vs. portable Opera

Hi all

I just recently went to full mobile, using pidgin and opera under WinXP. On some developers' forum someone posted a patch file that allows Pidgin to use different browsers. My question: could this work on a Windows based system? From what I understand, the patch modifies some parts of GTK file(s), but I guess Portable Pidgin (the Windows executable) has only the necessary elements of GTK so the patch would not have any effect (also, the Linux version has got a "Browser" option in the preferences, which can't be found on the Windows version).

What do you think, is it possible to modify PP so it won't use the system default browser?
