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InstantStorm please :D

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-01-03 06:05
InstantStorm please :D

would you please make InstantStorm portable? i like making screensavers with it but its just that not always on my PC Biggrin


License: Im not sure but it says its free

Description: InstantStorm is a powerful freeware Flash screensaver creator that turns your Adobe Flash files (SWF) into professional screensavers in no time. Unlike other similar tools, InstantStorm is actually free of charge even for commercial use and does not add any nag screens or other annoying things to your output files. Apart from that you can customize virtually anything: the settings dialog, the installer (including all texts and images), the screensaver behavior, and more. Need to build a complex corporate screensaver, make your very own Flash screensaver for your friends and family, or just convert your favorite Flash movie to a screensaver for your own computer? InstantStorm is the right program for you!

thanks in advanced :DD

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 1 week 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-06-13 19:36

The app is freeware however it does say that the binaries can be redistributed for any use (include commercial). The packaging just needs to contain the license.txt and such.

Release Team Member

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