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FileZilla Portable Launcher - Testers Needed

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 6 hours 37 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
FileZilla Portable Launcher - Testers Needed

I've just released a new FileZilla Portable Launcher that corrects some issues with the current release:

Unicode Command Line - The GetParameters function has been updated to handle unicode paths passed to FileZillaPortable.exe on the command line.

INI File Path - The INI file path ends up with a double-slash after the INIPATH variable when constructed (\\) which may cause issues on some unpatched Win95/98 systems.

FileZilla.exe Not Found - This error occurs if you place the FileZillaPortable.exe launcher one directory above FileZillaPortable.

All of the above have been fixed and the new launcher needs some testers trying it out. You can download the ZIP and just copy the FileZillaPortable.exe into your current setup to check it out.

Download the new launcher: FileZilla Portable Launcher
