Application: PortableAppsThemes Theme Changer
Category: Utilities
Description: A small and easy to use program to switch your menu themes. (PAM 1.6.1 Compatable Only!)
I created this program cause' of the new release of the PAM. (PAM 2.0 Beta 5) and it's new theming engine including the .patheme file. I figured that the new themes wouldn't look so bad on the old ones so why not just make program that allows users to use .pathemes as well without haveing to use a beta? Well here is answer sorta, except this is also beta. lols. Oh well, I think it's till kinda cool. Whatever. It is still a bit buggy, but it works so I'll release it before I have any more crappy schoolwork to do. =P.
You can download it here:
PortableAppsThemes Theme Changer 1.0 Beta 1
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