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Adding Splash to paf

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kwagga's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-08-29 04:00
Adding Splash to paf

Hi guys, I've been reading through the various forum topics about splash screens, but there still is no definitive topic about adding splashes to apps.

Some of the topics I read:

Isn't there a simple ini entry to point to a splash, or can't the PA Installer do autodetection for the splash file or something? - why must NSIS be used? What's the [side by side] differences between the PA Launcher and PA Installer.

Thanks for any advice to calm my confused soul Wink

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Simple with PAL

PAL is for making apps portable. PAI is for distributing PAF apps.

With PAL, you just put the splash screen in App\AppInfo\Launcher\splash.jpg and it'll use it.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

kwagga's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-08-29 04:00
Hi Chris, thanks for getting

Hi Chris, thanks for getting back to me. I did as you said, and just put the jpg in the launcher folder, but I got the following error:

It's moaning about wanting a ini, so now, I looked at other apps and their launchers, some have a lot of entries, and other have only one or two.

In this example I tried using Console Portable's ini which is located in the launcher folder:





Alright, even with my [very] limited programming/Registry knowledge, It's quite obvious to see that everything in [Enviroment],[FileWrite] and [FileMove] is related to the Console program. I proceeded to use only [Launch] variable, changing paths to my app, yet it still give errors I don't understand, such as that it required the exe in the AppInfo folder, but as far as I know, the executable must be in the root of said app folder, i.e APPNAMEPortable

Last seen: 23 hours 22 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Outdated with PAL

As Chris stated its done by putting a splash.jpg in Appinfo\Launcher.
The two threads you dug up are somewhat outdated as it is all been rounded up meanwhile.
To get the general idea it's good to start with the Application Template you might have stumbled upon yet. The development splash is already contained as some other crucial files and the overall folder structure. I found it much easier to replace something already there with relevant data/files than to look for every single missing bit - in a structure I wasn't able to figure out for myself before.
corrected misleading statement

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