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Portability question

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Den Duze
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2011-02-24 04:25
Portability question

I'm am new to the Portable Apps (aka PA) community and I'm looking at the possibilities of the platform.
I wonder if the following usage of the PA is possible ans meaningful.

If I install the PA applications on a USB-stick and I copy the whole PA-directory to a drive of an (not trusted) PC can I use all the installed applications?
I think that will be possible. Or am I wrong?

If I used the PA in that way and I'm done with that (untrusted PC) and I delete that whole PA-directory. Is everything really gone from that PC?
I will have to use a real delete program because a normal Windows-delete will not be enough to really delete the file!

Reason is that a USB-stick is a high-risk to be infected with virus/malware so I use USBdummyProtect to make sure that the stick is always full when I put the stick in a (not trusted) PC.
Now if I can copy the PA-directory to that PC and later delete it I'm sure that no unwanted files can be copied to my USB-stick. But I want to be sure that the personal information that exists in the PA-directories are deleted when I'm finished


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

The program we use to make the applications portable (launcher) only takes care of drive letter changes. So If you copy the apps from X:/PortableApps to C:/Documents and settings/DenDuze/Desktop, some will break portability and for example loose some settings or recent files stuff.
But as long as only the drive letter changes, you are ok to copy them and securely! delete them once you're done.

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