This looks really nice, but the price is killer. I like the fact that it has 256 bit encryption, and they state that it will load in 3 seconds. There appear to be a ton of other features that go along with it also. Anybody else heard of this or even if they are worth the cost?
@ Hahndo,
seems more like it for businesses and Enterprise maybe not good for you if you wanting it at home, after looking into it in more details its pretty big here in the UK, and many people I know use the safesticks to go with the console, maybe if your work buys the console and your safestick for you wont worry about the cost
the safesticks and the console is not really that expensive as its hardware encryption, much different to cheaper software encryption.
I do like the ability to recover forgotten passwords and remote wipe lost safesticks, as you said, it is 256 bit encrypted too, aint that military grade? seems pretty nifty and cool to me.
yes its military/government grade.
512bit is Military only at the moment.
As far as I know, they charge 20€/key/year and 34€ to buy a 1GB token.
As a crypto proc cost almost nothing having a 20€ yearly fee per key seems inappropriate to me.
Thread necromancy perhaps, but I just saw the company is offering safe console as a hosted service. $2 / month / device. looks pretty cool. There's a 10 day free trial period so i'll give that a go and report back my findings.