I want to use the Personal Site Blocker feature for searches at google.com.
I don't install Google products on computers because of the updaters installed,
the data reporting to Google, and because it is an online installer only.
So - having a portable Chrome that was securely sandboxed on a USB stick seemed like
an elegant solution.
However - while the extension installs it is only an emphemeral install.
Once you unmount the USB stick the extension will not be there when you
remount and open Chrome.
I suspect that something is written to the main hdd and then erased when Chrome
is unmounted. The extension works only when you re-install every session.
This is broken.
Chrome may seem to allow extensions in a portable session but it is only a mirage as
the extension will not be there next session.
Fortunately Google released Personal Site Blocker for use in browsers other than
Chrome (as long as you are logged into a Google account).
So - For me, I continue to enjoy the lack of any need for Chrome.
p.s. The fact that enabling Portable Passwords depends on a hash that is uniquely
formed from a specific machine is a major flaw and, in my opinion, makes Chrome
not at all portable.
I don't know much about the Personal Site Blocker extension, but I haven't had any problems with any of the extensions I use, so there is probably something strange about that extension that breaks portability, sorry.
Regarding Portable Passwords:
I think you misunderstood what was told to you somewhere on the forum.
Google Chrome encrypts it's saved passwords using Internet Explorer's password encryption system, this is not portable; the launcher included with Google Chrome Portable (GoogleChromePortable.exe) includes a functionality (called Portable Passwords) which will decrypt all of Google Chrome's non-portable saved passwords, re-encrypt them using a user specified password, save them in your Google Chrome Portable's
directory, and reverse this process when you start Chrome again, this is portable.The current Portable Passwords technique is not the best possible way to portablize saved passwords, but unless (or until) Google Chrome switches to some other way of saving it's passwords which is more portable-friendly, this is the best we can do.
However, enabling Portable Passwords makes it so that you have to type in your Password every time you start Google Chrome Portable, which although a good security measure, many people would prefer not having to type in a password every start-up over saving there passwords, so we make it an "opt-in" function (enablable via an ini switch), this way no-one will come into the forums complaining that Google Chrome doesn't ask for a password every time it starts, so the fact that Google Chrome Portable does is somehow a problem.
Edit: I really should have looked at the next "new" item on the tracker before posting this, John T Haller said basically the same thing in less words over HERE.
As already explained, you're simply misunderstanding. Please read this again:
Enable portable passwords and you can move your passwords from PC to PC without issue. Enable it, your passwords are portable.
Nearly all extensions are portable including adblock, etc. The Personal Site Blocker is using some non-standard stuff extension-wise and isn't portable.
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