I was at work today and were just doing training so if noone has questions we do whatever we want so I was looking through and installing extensions onto Fire Fox Portable from here(U3 edition) And I just got home and popped in my U3 drive and started up FireFox Portable and none of my extensions were there.
Did it install the extensions to the HDD? I can't check until tommorow.
Is it because I have the U3 eddition? Should I uninstall that, download the regular portableapps edition and then just install it into U3 using the manifest hack?
How do I get it to install extensions onto the USB drive?
Thanks everyone.
Firefox Portable U3 edition doesn't come from here... you'll have to ask there.
If you get FireFox Portable from here you just install extensions as normal. Works easily. Just make sure you run FirefoxPortable.exe and NOT Firefox.exe
Be sure you are using the Firefox for U3 that comes up with a PortableApps.com splash screen and shows up as within the U3 launchpad program info. The older versions had some issues.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I uninstalled the U3 eddition ( and just installed the latest portable apps version ( and installed 3 extensions, went to USBDrive>FirefoxPortable>App>Firefox>Extensions and their not in there. I don't nkow if their supposed to be somehwere else so ill check tommorow at work on a different computer to see if their still there, if not should I get the FireFox 2 Beta Portable?
They aren't supposed to be there. They would be in FirefoxPortable\Data\profile. Where your profile is. Extensions haven't been installed within the Firefox binary directory since before 1.0 was released.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!