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Dear, everyone in developers.

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-14 01:52
Dear, everyone in developers.

Dear, everyone in developers.

My name is Tadashi. And I'm Japanese.
I'm handicapped.
So I can not work.
Because there is no income.
Because I can not donate.
Please understand that it.
I really appreciate the things we get to use this great software for free.

I'm rooting for everyone in the software developers.
...And I hope to further progress of this software.


Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-29 11:46
What you can do...

I'm not a developer here, but I have a few ideas for you:

If you start your Google searches from, PortableApps will get a small payment every time you do a search, and it doesn't cost you anything. Some of us have set that page as our home page to make that even easier.

If someone else asks a question on the forums and you know the answer, that's another way you can help.

Depending on your skills and interests, perhaps you can volunteer to help out as a developer or a beta tester.

And spread the word about! Perhaps someone you recommend the site to could become a donor.

Keep enjoying the free software here!

Rick Carter

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