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qBittorrent Portable's search - requires Python?

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Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-26 17:18
qBittorrent Portable's search - requires Python?

Doing a search in qBittorrent Portable -- does not work for me.

On qBittorrent Portable's 'Search tab', the "All categories" drop down contains no other selections.

Searching for an old 1932 movie, I enter:
So Big
into the search field, then press Search button. The result is the following error message:

"Missing Python Interpreter
Python 2.x is required to use the search engine but does not seem to be installed.
Do you want to install it now? Yes or No."

Pressing the "Search engines..." in the lower-right of qBittorrent's interface displays an empty "Search plugins / installed search plugins" dialog box. Even though
contains ten *.PY files.

Question: is there something 'wrong' with my XP SP3? Or does qBittorrent Portable's searching ability require a local installation of Python?

Many thanks for help

dagardner's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 14:41
Not sure...

I don't think that qBittorrent is supposed to come with it's own Python interpreter, so it won't work if Python isn't installed. I'll look into it more to try to confirm this.

OK, I found some confirmation of this on the qBittorrent bug tracker. qBittorrent does not include a Python interpreter, so if you don't have it installed, the search won't work.

I'm not sure what would be involved linking to a portable version of Python. It's been more than a year since anyone posted on the Python Portable thread that I was able to find. Maybe there is a newer thread that I didn't find. I'll look into when when I have more time.

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