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ConvertAll Portable - doesn't remember more than 8 recent units - here is fix

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Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-20 10:17
ConvertAll Portable - doesn't remember more than 8 recent units - here is fix

I'm using ConvertAll Portable (CAP) v0.5.0b, and it doesn't remember more than 8 "Recent Unit" entries.

Here's how I fixed it:

Open this file in a text editor (don't use Windows Notepad, because this file uses UNIX line endings -- Notepad++ works fine):

Find the section with the all the "recent units". It will look like this:

RecentUnit1 Fahrenheit
RecentUnit2 Celsius
RecentUnit3 watt
RecentUnit4 amp * volt
RecentUnit5 mm
RecentUnit6 mil
RecentUnit7 feet
RecentUnit8 mile

Now just add the extra blank entries so it looks like this:

RecentUnit1 Fahrenheit
RecentUnit2 Celsius
RecentUnit3 watt
RecentUnit4 amp * volt
RecentUnit5 mm
RecentUnit6 mil
RecentUnit7 feet
RecentUnit8 mile

Add the max amount that you think you will ever set CAP to remember. Even if one day you set it to remember less, it will not erase the extra entries in the .ini file so you won't have to do this again.

Big thanks so all the developers involved in these apps and in making them portable!