I was just looking at another thread. In that thread, there were a couple of contributions which said that for PortableApps to be 'cleaned up' properly on exit, it was important that they were run from the PortableApps launcher as it was the launcher that was doing the clearing up?
I was under the impression that each portableapp was 'self-contained' with regard to clearing up its own registry entries. Can someone just confirm whether PortableApps need to be launched using the PA launcher to ensure they are cleaned up properly? Or (b) whether each PortableApp is self-contained and does its own clearing up?
I've happily used the PA portable apps for years without using the PA launcher, I was not under the impression that the launcher was required to ensure proper cleaning up of registry items?
As soon as the PA launcher uses categories, then I will use that. But with other launchers like CodySafe, PStart etc, the use of categories make navigating the programs a lot easier. Just for fun I installed ALL PA apps and ran them via the PA launcher. Scroll, scroll, scroll. It was a turn off.
Thanks in advance.
I think either you or people in the other thread have things mixed up.
For me and a lot others, the launcher is the VLCPortable.exe in the VLCPortable folder that launches the actual app (in this example VLC).
To the program that lists all your apps neatly and has a tray icon, I referr to as the PortableApps.com Menu or Platform. Some people seem to call both of them launcher which is confusing.
Each app is self contained and can run without the Menu/Platform. All the cleaning up is done by the launcher (VLCPortable.exe).
Some advanced features like automatic language switching require the platform/menu though.
I hope things are clearer now.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
@Simeon - the same thoughts were beginning to formulate in my own mind: the launcher vs. The PA Menu / Platform.
I completely understand your explanation and it makes sense. A misunderstanding of terminology on my part.
Cambridge, UK