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Unsigned - Open File Security Warning - Smart Defrag

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Joined: 2009-10-29 15:50
Unsigned - Open File Security Warning - Smart Defrag

Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable 2.0.3
Smart Defrag Portable

Both the above trigger the Open File Security Warning dialog box.

"Unknown Publisher ... This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher..."

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 7 hours 3 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Which File?

Which file? If it is one where we link to a 3rd party publisher, it is up to them to sign it. Some do, some do not. If it is freeware we repackage ourselves, we often do not sign it (depending on the agreement with the publisher) as we obviously can not perfectly verify everything inside the file.

As a general rule, companies only sign their own work to avoid liability issues. That's why we encourage publishers to do their own Format packages and to digitally sign them just like their other installers.

Even without the digital signature, we verify each package before linking to it and posting it by scanning it using multiple anti-virus/anti-malware engines. We then calculate a hash on the file to ensure it is the proper file (which is automatically checked by the Platform's updater before installing). In addition, our installers all have a self-check and can tell if they have been altered by malware after they were packaged.

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