Will it update just FirefoxPortable.exe, or will it overwrite the entire contents of the FirefoxPortable folder?
I really don't know how software updates work on Windows. My only experience updating apps is on a Mac.
I need to know whether to back up the profile before hand.
The installer will overwrite only
and the directoriesApp
, so your profile (in theData
directory) will be safe.Previously known as kAlug.
I told it to install to the FirefoxPortable folder. It created a folder in there and dumped everything into it. When I installed 3.6.13 it gave me the option to create a FirefoxPortable folder, and I thought I just had to hit "no", but it never gave me that option. I had to copy and paste stuff around.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
My use of Google indicates that I am insane.
Can you clarify what happened?
What's the version you had installed, and to what version you're upgrading to?
Previously known as kAlug.
PortableApps.com installers are expecting you to select the PortableApps root (the directory you have all your portable software in) and then they will append the AppID to the path. So for Firefox you'd browse and select X:\PortableApps and then it'll add \FirefoxPortable to it. This will show in the window before you click Next. If you're grabbing the legacy version to upgrade Firefox, you do the above but then when it shows X:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortableLegacy36 you just delete the Legacy36 bit.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
My path looks looked this: X:\Firefox\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe
When I upgraded I told it to install here: X:\Firefox\FirefoxPortable\
It created this: X:\Firefox\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortableLegacy36\FirefoxPortable.exe
I used the internal updater, so firefox.exe was set to version 3.6.15, but firefoxportable.exe was set to version 3.6.13 (at least I think that's what happens when I use Firefox's internal updater). Windows XP SP3.
I don't have a portableapps folder because I have no plans to use any portable app except Firefox.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
My use of Google indicates that I am insane.
Then you should have selected X:\Firefox. At which point it will append FirefoxPortableLegacy36. And then you remove Legacy36. Same thing, different path. In your case, X:\Firefox is your PortableApps root folder. The folder containing your portable apps (in this case, just one).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!