--Greetings, Users.
--New urgent message downloading...
--Complete. Running program:
--For those of you who want custom-dimension themes to work on the recent 2.0 beta 5 PA.c platform.
As many of you know, the site that had the PAM mod R34 has been, quite frankly and unfortunately, shut down due to database moving. The PAM mod R34, which I will be uploading onto ShareSwift soon, is officially the last one, and many of you code-happy modders have been unable to continue coding awesome custom-dimension themes that definitely WOULD NOT work on the current platform. SO, in order to keep you custom-theming-code-happy people, well, happy, I'd like to know if anyone knows the tools to manage such an endeavor, how to pull it off, and would like to have me as a theme builder/test dummy.
FYI, I refer to cracking and MODDING the 2.0 Beta 5 platform. Please leave a comment if any of the above applies to you.
--End of line.
Might get categories at last. ( or is it just themes you are doing )
It could be a race between you and John.
Not really. When I meant cracking and modding the PA.c 2.0 Beta 5, I meant the way the Mod R34 worked, which, incidentally, I am trying to implement at this moment into the PA.c Platform. The only thing to be done would be to have some sort of way to make it actually WORK on the 2.0 Beta 5. I have the old R34 archive on my PC, and I may upload it onto ShareSwift if anyone becomes interested in helping me. As for categories, the R34 already has them. I just need to get it working on the Beta 5 platform.
You know what, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life TAKE THE LEMONS BACK! Get mad!! I don't want your lemons; what am I supposed to do with THESE!?
If you can get the R34 mod working on platform 2 Beta 5 we could have categories instead of waiting a lifetime ( seems like it ) for the official Platform.
As far as getting it to work ON the beta, I can't. BUT, I can get the updater into the existing mod menu system, since the only thing to add would be the [BTN_Updater] section onto the theme ini, which I've managed to do in my previous Altimit theme for the mod. if you want, I can send you a download link to the mod itself and the modded platform installer. You'll have to be careful, though, since I still don't know how to make an installer that won't completely overwrite the documents folder. I learned that the hard way. At least I had a backup.
You know what, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life TAKE THE LEMONS BACK! Get mad!! I don't want your lemons; what am I supposed to do with THESE!?