Hi everybody,
First, I want to thank all of you for making me keep trying new things without worrying about my PC's stability... thank you
I just decided to join this community and will help as much as I can!
So I start it easy! Fofix is already portable itself (I'm not really a gamer but played this one for few days and liked it),
so I just had to make a little launcher.ini to make it fully portable
(I think!)
- Some help needed please:
- help.html needs to be updated/created
- licence, readme, ... files: don't know how to preceed
- splash: couldn't find any jpg to work with!
- and finally, I don't know where to upload the installer (or a .zip would be better???)
There it is, you should have noticed my bad english so thanks for being... patient!
Have a nice day
Edit 02.04.2011:
I need some help on,
- Testing
- and I need to preserve 2 folders ("AppDir\FoFiX\data\users" and "AppDir\FoFiX\data\avatars") after update
Can you test it please? Thanks
Edit 03.04.2011:
- added installer.ini to preserve "avatars" and "users"
- icons fixed
- added DefaultData with all stuff needed inside it
an installera 7zip file
Need feedback please...
Edit 06.04.2011: DevTest 3
- some issues fixed
- a link to the installer
There is an application template at https://downloads.sourceforge.net/portableapps/PortableApps.com_Applicat..., that contains everything you requested. You will just need to tweak the
file.For the upload, you can use e.g. MediaFire.
Previously known as kAlug.
See https://portableapps.com/node/24974
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Dear Chris,
The page you've linked to seems to be dead (inactive) and the guy doesn't mention what problems he encountred or his achivements!!!
Thank you (both) for your reply, kAlug I will check out your link
Still miss a "clean" splash: something colored without a logo of any portable app. (not the development test splash)
If this become an official portable app, John will provide one.
Previously known as kAlug.
all beta tests use the Black and white beta test splash
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Thanks kAlug, vf2nsr for the replies
I made some changes, I think it's ready now. See "Edit" above...
I'm not a gamer, but I downloaded this anyway to take a look at the portabilization. Overall, it looks like you did a really good job! There are just a few things I noticed:
* appicon.ico is supposed to contain more image sizes and resolutions (16x16 8-bit, 32x32 8-bit, 48x48 8-bit, 16x16 32-bit, 32x32 32-bit, 48x48 32-bit, and an optional 256x256 32-bit). You can use IcoFX to extract those icons from FoFiX and copy them into appicon.ico.
* Since FoFiX contains a 128x128 32-bit icon, you can extract that and save it as appicon_128.png, next to appicon_16.png and appicon_32.png.
* To preserve AppDir\FoFiX\data\users and AppDir\FoFiX\data\avatars, you can use installer.ini. Just create a blank INI file named installer.ini next to appinfo.ini, and add this to it:
Other than those minor issues, this looks good. Nice work!
EDIT: I just tried running FoFiX Portable and FoFiX crashed. It left this traceback in App\FoFiX\FoFix.exe.log:
That looks more like a FoFiX issue than a FoFiX Portable issue, but you might want to see if you can find a fix/workaround. I'm on XP SP3, btw.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
I was able to run it without issues (except by a crash when I tried to close it by the window button). Same system.
Can you try to delete
?Previously known as kAlug.
That file doesn't exist.
This looks like a Python app, so my guess is that GameEngine.pyo is contained within the FoFiX exe. Time for a little Googling, since you can't reproduce it...
EDIT: yep, this is a pretty old bug. Issue 1024, crash if no theme is found, describes my issue perfectly (right down to the failing line number in GameEngine.pyo), and I don't have any themes in App\FoFiX\data\themes. In fact, App\FoFiX\data\themes doesn't even exist.
@Gimme_P: you may want to make a note of that, or perhaps just include a theme or two so users never have to see that bug. You may also want to preserve App\FoFiX\data\themes, since it looks like that's a fairly important folder.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Thank you very much, both, for your feedback
Everything works fine for me, and yes closing the window directly sometimes makes it crash like kAlug has reported, it's a Fofix bug, although it doesn't hurt anything!
themes folder is in DataDir, and is moved when the app starts, please see launcher.ini. I preferred to do so to avoid users from accessing the app folder when installing new themes, songs and mods.
Computerfreaker maybe you launched fofix.exe rather than fofixportable.exe?!
Thanks for advice and the few lines, I will make a installer.ini, do the icons and reup...
I'm quite certain I didn't launch FoFiX.exe by mistake. Does the themes folder exist before first run? I'm on a mobile device ATM, so I can't check, but I could have sworn App\DefaultData was empty.
Just having the launcher move that folder wouldn't be enough under these circumstances, I'm afraid; you'd need to create a default themes folder (put it in App\DefaultData, so it gets moved to Data properly) with a sample theme or two to keep FoFiX from crashing.
And just to be sure I'm not going crazy... can either of you try running a clean, unmodified install? I'm convinced the issue is that I didn't have any themes installed, but if that's not the case I'll let this go and chalk it up to my old PC being foolish again.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Yes it does and it must be in Fofix\data\ before each run.
And yes, you're right, App\DefaultData is empty.
Don't understand, can you explain why please?
The themes I've put in the Data directory Are default...
This Is a clean one... Like I said before, it's almost portable except the fofix.ini file generated by the app to keep user's settings.
So I just moved the "songs", "mods", "necks" and "themes" folders, which by default are located in "fofix\data\", to the DataDir and inserted [MoveDirectories] lines in the launcher.ini
If you want... I could have let these directories (songs, etc) in their default place (fofix\data\) and add just one line in the launcher.ini to keep/delete fofix.ini (%AppDir%\fofix\) and the app would have been fully portable... but the user needs to access the app folder each time they want to add new themes, necks or songs.
Try please to put these folders back to fofix\data\ and then launch fofix.exe (not fofixportable.exe) and see...
If you do this way, you should see a "fofix" folder created by the app in %AppData% !
That's it...
It's all my fault, I'm so STupId
freaker, you were right about the DefaultData folder. The PA installer doesn't include the Data directory, I didn't know that! and I haven't even tested it
kAlug should have downloaded the zip file and you... the installer.
I fixed it like you suggested, it's all ready now
please see Edit above.
Just a couple notes:
: shouldn't these go in theData
folder too?DisplayVersion
: I think this should be only3.121
Previously known as kAlug.
- no, we could do so but... the user doesn't need to access "users" and "avatars" so we just need to preserve them on update.
- yep agree, but notice please that on their site there are two "latest" versions with different python and ogl each (py2.6-ogl3 and py2.4-ogl2), anyway 3.121 would be better I think.
So I believe we can just ignore the Python 2.4 + OGL 2 version.
Previously known as kAlug.
More the the point, the DisplayVersion should be marking this as a Dev Test.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Sorry, I've been either on a mobile device or a restricted PC for the past few days and couldn't even get at the download until now.
I just downloaded the new version (yep, the installer
) and my feedback can be summed up in one word: impressive. You did a good job taking care of everything I pointed out last time, and the new DefaultData worked like a charm in fixing the startup crash.
There are just two minor things I noticed:
* Data\settings\fofix\fofix.ini containsselected_library = C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Desktop\FoFiX\FoFiXPortable\Data\songs
,which doesn't exist on this computer. I'm not sure if that's a path from your system or something from a FoFiX dev's system, but I don't think it should be in that INI.EDIT: never mind, I think that's just because I didn't select a library (all I did was change a few options to see if they were properly saved). I just looked at the DefaultData copy of that INI and base_library has a similar path. I guess that's just a default setting that will be replaced if I actually pick a library?
* In appinfo.ini, DisplayVersion should have "Development Test X" appended, where X is the Development Test number.
Once those are taken care of, this could be ready for release. Very nice work!
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
can you plz remove this part: (username) from the path above, I'm such a paranoid
thank you
After anyone replies to a message, only a mod can edit that message. Could a mod take care of removing that, please?
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
oh ok, so both please: his (initial) and mine just below
kAlug, Chris, freaker
thank you for the feedback and advice
- yes, I think we can just ignore the python 2.4 version
- ok, I'll fix the DisplayedVersion (add Dev Test)
- yes, it's a little thing I didn't see, it's from my system (the path). I will try to fix it... (thx very much for your encouragement)
I'll try to fix these few issues, reupload (only the installer, can I?) then let you know...
Have a nice day
Yep, you can upload just the installer. The zip isn't necessary.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
please see Edit above..
Can anybody axplain how the updater works please?
Does it look for the installer.ini on user's drive?
Or does it use the installer.ini packaged in the new (updated) .paf.exe? if so, so I don't need to add an installer.ini to this first release (to make it preserve a folder when it's being updated), right?
Leave the installer.ini in place, so it can used when the program is being installed.
Empty, you mean, for this first release? (for next update, there's a folder "fofix\data\users" that needs to be preserved)
Nope, you can just leave the full installer.ini in place. It won't affect anything during the initial installation, but it'll be useful for future updates.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
hi all,
I understand but... we cannot foresee what changes would be in next releases of an app (v4 for fofix)!
for exemple, how would I do if I would like to preserve or delete other items then already specified in this first release?
Will next releases use installer.ini included in their installers or do they search for an installer.ini on user's system?
The installer will always use the files from itself.
Previously known as kAlug.
ok kAlug, it's all what I wanted to confirm, thanks
I'm going to add it on the Test Releases page, I think it's ready! (?)
It's probably ready, but you might want to wait a bit before adding it to the release queue. Your last update was just a couple of days ago, so you might want to wait for a week or two to make sure nobody has any issues. Then, go ahead and post it in the release queue (make sure you post a link to this topic there as well, so John can find the right release quickly and easily).
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
hi freaker,
I already added it on this page https://portableapps.com/development/test... hope I didn't do something wrong!
I don't know yet what is the difference between this page and the one you linked to and don't know how you do (proceed) usually!!
https://portableapps.com/development/test is used by all apps in testing. This way, you can know if someone else is already developing a portable version.
https://portableapps.com/node/11772 is for ready-to-release apps.
In the Test Releases page, please edit your comment to use the code after "This is the template that will yield the desired format.".
Perhaps a form to generate that code would be nice.Try thisPreviously known as kAlug.
thanks for all kAlug
I think it's fixed: https://portableapps.com/development/test#comment-174604 (now it looks like your Clementine Portable just above
thanks for the site too, I like it...
there is FoFiX v4.0.0alpha2
some one can update?