Setup was not completed succesfully
Extract: xul.dll...95%
Tried to install downloads on different dates.
Allways no complete(xul.dll...95%) installation!
(FFP4.0 beta_11 had no installation problem)
(Same problem with german version of FFP4.0 (xul.dll...95%))
sometime flushing the cache of your browser might help, I had this recently when trying to get the libreoffice.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Download is allways comlete.
No FF active during installation
but winxp2 on CD (Bart PE)
cache somewhere this bart pe? It sometimes sets it to cache on the hard drive.
The download looks complete but it is not. So download from other computer with other browser or the same browser but empty cache might help in this case.
It does not mean that the browser disturbs the install, it is rather that some wrong file size is stored somewhere and this makes the problem of saying the download is complete while it is not.
I had last week the same with LO, it simply decided that the download is complete after 21.4mb and refused to download it properly.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Bart_PE CD uses no HD but RAMDisk with Freespace 29,3MB.
Size of FF4 download always 14,139 MB.
Installation ends always: Extract: xul.dll..95%.
Will download from other computer with other browser.
Thanks from Heidelberg,Germany
Maybe your ramdisk runs out of space? If you have 29,3MB before downloading you may encounter problems as the installer needs some place to extract. Installed size is at least 30,xMB. Could you monitor your ramdisk to see if that's the problem?
I had the same problem and it turned out that I didnt have enough space in my temp folder (=here your RAM). I deleted some stuff on the drive and it worked. I would say you need at least the size of the installed app as free space on the drive where your temp folder is.
Firefox is ~50 mb installed so you definitively need more RAM.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Deletet 2.6 MB of data on RAMDisk before installation of FFP 4.0.
RAMDisk before: 29.3 MB
RAMDisk after:31.9 MB
With 31.9 MB RAMDisk FFP 4.0 was installed without any problem!!!
Thanks to Simeon
and depp.jones 