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Portable Suggestions

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Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-08-26 16:12
Portable Suggestions

I recently started using a cheap 128mb USB drive I got for Christmas last year..

AFter using it to just transfer pics from one PC to another.. I got addicted to trying to keep all of my handy programs on it.

Now, it's just not big enough..

If any of you could recommend good quality USB Drives, I'd appreciate it.

I have been looking at the Lexar models: Lightning and Secure II

Either a 1 or 2 gig would be plenty for me.. (for now)

Thanks alot!

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-12 00:40
Good question

The 1 GB drives seem to be a popular size for the value right now, though that will change. My 1 GB Memorex TravelDrive (New) seems to do well, with 75 programs taking up about 350 MB of it (almost half of that just from Portable Open Office). I store about another 150 MB of data on it. Very large pieces of data that I might need to store , like a movie, would likely challenge even the 2 GB and 4 GB sizes, and this is where I would bring in my external hard drive.

On another note, there have been issues with several of the 1 GB+ drives being noticeably slower and those are in earlier posts here.

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