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Cloud operating in USB

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-04-24 22:59
Cloud operating in USB

I think right now, what we need is a portable OS in our USB.

For istance, we could create an OS which is mainly used through apps. Which is a high time right now, however as for apps... that is a later stage.

Please respond and tell me what you guys think about it?

Last seen: 3 days 46 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
not so popular Q here

in fact if you used the search function , you will find many threads on this subject.

the big Q is what for? There are many, many portable OS around so why to bother? Why to add 389 to the other 388 or so?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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