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PuTTY: Registry Setting/Session confusion

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Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-05 15:52
PuTTY: Registry Setting/Session confusion

Putty Portable Rocks! I am just confused a bit on where the session details are saved though.
I'm trying to get Putty setup so that I can use it on my main system and also keep the details on a usb drive as well. I don't want the information in the registry if possible. I am also not sure on what the difference between Putty Portable & Putty Tray is? Aside from the icon tray has, or the transparency, I am wondering if it's the session data?
I haven't seen a way in Putty to save Telnet data, I am sure it's not recommended, unfortunately I've inherited some telnet devices & until I update them to SSH, I was hoping to save the login details securely, something like SecureCRT does, but I like Putty better Smile
Does portable putty have an option to launch the putty agent from a usb drive as well?

Chris Morgan
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Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
PuTTY stores its settings and

PuTTY stores its settings and RSA fingerprints in the registry, which ensures that it won't be portable by itself. PuTTY Portable takes care of the registry key so that all your settings, fingerprints, &c. are kept.

Pageant is essentially a separate program from PuTTY. You can use it entirely apart from it and it shares approximately nothing with PuTTY - it's just useful in conjunction with it. For myself, I put it in App\putty and have a line to start both it and PuTTY in my doskey macros file with Command Prompt Portable -

pageant=%PADIR%\PuTTYPortable\App\putty\pageant.exe %USBDisk%\Documents\Keys\id_rsa.ppk -c %PADIR%\PuTTYPortable\PuTTYPortable.exe

(The reason I start PuTTY Portable when using SSH through hg is because it puts the RSA fingerprints into the registry so that it works without needing adding manually each time.)

It's one of the distant things on my TODO list to redo the PuTTY launcher and get it to launch PuTTY via pageant.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-05 15:52

Thank you for the assistance. I'm still a bit confused on what you mean regarding portable putty taking care of the registry settings? Does that mean that my session information will stay on the USB drive or does that mean the computer where I launch PortablePutty will have the registry settings?

What I am trying to do is run Putty from my usb drive and ensure no registry or session information is left on the computer I run it from, because certain times I have to do work on remote computers when I go to client sites and I don't want my session details left behind.

I looked at Putty Tray and it appears that application has been done away with. Do you know of any other putty addon's or alternatives that will save sessions to files, preferably encrypted?

Last seen: 2 days 3 sec ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
The Launcher

The Launcher "PuttyPortable.exe" deals with the registry settings (moves them to a backup file un the usb on exit) so that no traces are left behind on the host pc. Don't know if they are encrypted, you can test it as they are stored in the Data folder.
You can try KiTTY a kind of extended PuTTY with some additions, maybe that offers an alternative for your workflow. I did a Dev Test here. It stores settings and logs to files, seemingly not encrypted.

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