Is there any chance of creating a portable video file convertor (.flv to .avi to .wmv etc etc) I know that there is a lot of freeware programs out there that does this...
Also the same with a good audio file converter, I think one of the best is Switch by NCH but the only problem is that they have a full version (have to purchase it) and a free version (of which it has some features disabled)
The applications page has an entire section labeled "Music & Video".
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
My use of Google indicates that I am insane.
Yes they do... but no good video convertors sound file convertors
Thanks for your reply
it can convert and does so very well. Audio has CDex or AC:fre. There is also a handbrake portable in beta testing as well as some MNECODER frontends as well.