You are here Platform 2.0 Feature requests

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Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2011-06-20 00:12 Platform 2.0 Feature requests

I have used portable apps before from this website before. But recently discovered what the Platform is. Well I was amazed to see how it can benefit me (and make me cool Wink ) but at the same time dissapointed to see some features not implemented yet.

Any "Start Menu" of today needs some features that are useful to any user. Some of which I can find are listed here. You are also welcome to add to the list!

1. Ordering of Apps through Drag & Drop
A handy feature if you use some apps frequently. For example, If I want to keep Mozilla Firefox on top rather than Abiword Portable then... Drag & Drop... and done!

2. App search
If I have 20-30 apps installed it is hard to find a certain app. Windows Vista (and later) supports this feature... Linux mint too

3. Preference dialog
I was astonished to see that this brilliant app does not have a preference dialog (although it has so many options to customize). The dialog can be used for many reasons:

3a. Number of apps visible at a time can be increased or decreased.
3b. Skin choosing through this dialog
3c. Re-showing an app after I hide an app
3d. Categorizing (for Example: Graphics, Office etc.) Drag & drop can make categorization easier.
3e. Custom menu item adding in the apps list. For example, a link to a webpage, or a run dxdiag menu item
3f. Explorer++ Integration. If I want to explore my Audios folder for example, I want to be able to browse it with explorer++ (or any other portable application.)

I know this is a lot hard to implement than writing them. I think Team would think about these functions and let us know if the better solution can be the best.

Although I am demanding all this, I don't support that the menu should me made complicated and full of menu items which are not necessary for beginners.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Finalised; wait and see

The 2.0 features have been finalised; read the status updates and Platform preview blog posts for some information of what will be there. Beyond that, wait and see what'll be in.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

rj10328's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2011-06-10 17:13
Menu requests

a small icon(like a glowing portablapp arrow icon for example)only next to the current running apps, and a right click option to close a selected running app and a choice to make app icons big, med. or small would be nice
an auto start option for apps when the portable app menu starts up

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-16 15:35

I came here to request the "running apps" icon/notification feature.

"Great Minds Think Alike."


fingers crossed that others can see the value.

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