As of today, it's fixed. Here's the original post, though its contents are now outdated.
Somebody really, really hates and has used Trend Micro against this site. Trying to access it from work prompts, not the usual work firewall (e.g. if I were to try to access, say,, but one from Trend Micro.
The danger of accessing is High, and the site is classified as a "Disease Vector", I believe it said. It did not make sense. I submitted a correction, saying the status should be Safe, and classified as "Computers/Internet".
*sigh* They still haven't changed it. And I quote, "The latest tests indicate that this site contains malicious software or could defraud visitors." Also, the description of "Disease Vector" is as follows: "Sites that directly or indirectly facilitate the distribution of malicious software or source code".
Heh. Somebody really has an axe to grind. I guess they got a bunch of requests or something and didn't bother to check. Or... something.
Wanna help? Go here:
Type in "" and hit "Check now". See that their ratings are as I've said, or they've fixed it. I sent the corrections at around 4am Eastern time (GMT-5). So maybe they will fix it by the time somebody reads this. Also, Mr. Haller, if you see this, you can check "I own the site" or something like that on the feedback form. That should carry more weight.
Also, stuff like this is why I don't use firewalls like that, or Web of Trust for that matter. They can be co-opted for nefarious purposes and defeat their own purpose through social engineering. Don't trust them. Use common sense and trust what you can control.
Ive submitted it, too. Now if only a few hundred people, including John, submitted, that'd probably change things quickly.
I've submitted an owner feedback response. I have a couple ideas on why this happened but will reserve judgement until I hear from them.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Now that it's fixed, care to share?
I'm just glad they fixed it though.
Submitted as well.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
Submitted two hours ago
Trendmicro's confirmation mail was blocked by gmx' spam-filter (spamserver blocking) and filterd by Outlook's junk-filter as well... so much for trustworthiness
You should mention that submitting feedback requires a Trend Micro product serial number
I just did it.
Previously known as kAlug.
Only if you check the box "I am a Trend Micro Customer".
When I last visited on June 21st, I had no problems whatsoever. But today, my Cisco router gives me the following warning message for every page I try to access:
Possible web threat
The site you are about to open may be harmful to your computer or to your personal data. It may contain a virus, phishing software, or malware. You can click Continue to view the site, or Back to go back to the previous site.
Back Continue
And when I check for updates, I get the positive response that "updates are available for the following portable apps," but the listing is empty. Clicking on Next, I get the standard answer almost instantaneously that "Software update complete. Your portable apps have now been updated to the latest versions." Of course, that's untrue because I know that Thunderbird and one other app are still unchanged and at their previous version level.
However, I was able to update Thunderbird to the latest version manually without any problems except for those pesky warning screens.
Do you think that this is related ? How should I respond ?
I wonder how many people it takes to change it to "malicious" or something in the first place.
Next thing we know they will tag Microsoft as a malicious site? Wait is it?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Trend Micro is still listing as dangerous as of 9 PM Eastern.
To those who submitted corrections, don't forget to click on the link in the confirmation e-mail Trend Micro sent you.
I had to smile when I noticed that just next to the box where I am typing this on the dangerous site, there is a sponsored link by (yes) Trend Micro.
I submitted a correction a couple of hours ago; PortableApps was still being blocked at that point. I can't tell if it's still being blocked now, unfortunately, since Trend Micro's site checker isn't interacting well with my mobile device.
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
Changes seem to be underway. is now flagged as "untested" at time of writing.
I just checked and got a green check mark and 'safe' message.
/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum
I just got an email from Trend Micro indicating this is now fixed.
I got a message by TrendMicro:
On 12:38 PM, June 29, 2011 UTC, you have submitted a reclassification request to Trend Micro.
We have processed your request and below is the result."
"New Safety Rating (originally rated as "Dangerous" by Trend Micro): Safe"
"New Content Type (originally categorized as "Disease Vector" by Trend Micro): Computers / Internet"
As of right now, I no longer get the warning screens and the automatic update function also works as expected.