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Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
Questions and assistance

Hi All,
I am new to the Forum, I am not a specialist user or programmer, I have only general knowledge about common and computing.

My platform is Windows Vista SP2 ( Spanish )

I recently installed version 3.3.2 of LibreOffice Portable, folder create it in the same directory downloads and it worked well, however I have the following questions and issues:
1. The Spanish language is installed that includes spelling correction, but does not include synonyms: How do I install this?
2. I've always used some external applications and the function: "insert OLE Object" File LibreOffice ( spreadsheets.ods specifically), however, the portable application I can not use this function, perhaps because there is a normal Windows installation does not recognize or do not see the files, do not know what could be the problem. Can you help with this?
3. In PortableApps/ LibreOffice website I found 2 new versions:
a) LibreOffice Portable 3.3.3
b) LibreOffice 3.4.1 Portable (Test)

* What are the differences between them?
* To install either, I must uninstall the previous version (3.3.2)?
* Remove a portable version, means removing the folder with all the content away?
(or there is a special procedure for this purpose?)
* What does the portable version 3.4.1 (Test)

I would appreciate your valuable help and comments

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
about 3)

LibreOffice has 2 version s, 3.3.3 and 3.4.1. 3.3.3 has been tested better (=longer) and thus is a bit more stable than 3.4.1. But as the verson notes say on the LibreOfficePortable page:

Version Note: 3.4.1 should be safe for most users, but will install to a
separate LibreOfficePortableTest directory for now.

So 3.3.3 installes into PortableApps/LibreOfficePortable and 3.4.1 installes into /PortableApps/LibreOfficePortableTest.

General rules about all portable Apps:

  • To install an update of an App, just install it right over the old one. All your data (which is inside the BlaPortable/Data folder) will be preserved. If you really want, you can of course copy the old version to a backup place and ensure the update works to be sure.
  • To delete an app, simply delete the folder (for LibreOffice, that would be LibreOfficePortable.

I hope that helps you find your way with portableApps. Enjoy it!

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
Hi Simeon, Thanks for your

Hi Simeon,

Thanks for your feedback and help, and sorry for my bad English.

but what I see was why LibO Portable version 3.4.1 is Test?

I installed version 3.4.1 in a separate directory, so good up there, but then when trying to open a file.odt, from the directory of files, opened with the previous version (3.3.2), or were indexed with preceding version so I decided to delete the folder with the previous version to solve the problem, but OH! horror, now the file icons were blank and I could not modify the association with the new version 341.

Given the situation described, I installed version 3.3.3 and now if the files are correctly associated to the release.

Now, If I understood your explanation, version 3.4.1 should be installed inside the folder LibreOffice Portable 3.3.3? to work well? it?

I would appreciate your valuable comments
Windows Vista sp2

SakiTC's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 02:05
Some more answers

To answer the first two questions:

1) I found a Spanish thesaurus extension for LibreOffice here. The link points to the file on a North American LibreOffice community DVD website.
Download the extension and remember where you saved it. Open LibreOffice, go to Tools - Extension Manager, click on "Add", find your extension, the rest is easy. After you've installed it, you have to restart LibreOffice to start using it.

2) I tried this with LibreOffice Portable 3.3.3 and had no problems inserting an .ods spreadsheet.

No typin th las lette ca sav yo plent o spac

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
Hi SakiTC, Thank you for your

Hi SakiTC,

Thank you for your comment and Help, Sorry for my bad English.

You say you tried to insert an OLE Object, based on a LibreOffice Portable 3.3.3 file from an external application?

Please, could you step-by-step operation performed by you? From what application did you? I have not been able to generate an OLE Object in my application (MNK).

I've only managed to generate a simple "link to file" the LibreOffice file(I can also open the file with no problem), but I need to insert an image from that file spreadsheets, through the image to open the file, modify its content, save and update the image, all in one simple operation.

*Please could tell me how to upload an image attached to the post?

Thank you from and your interest in my problem

SakiTC's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 02:05
Hi patris

Sorry, I probably misunderstood your question on OLE objects. What I succeeded was inserting an .ods spreadsheet using LibreOffice's Insert - Object - OLE Object... menu. It worked both for inserting an empty sheet and for inserting existing .ods spreadsheets from my disk. I didn't try anything beyond that.

EDIT: You can't insert OLE objects using other applications in order to call LibreOffice Portable and edit the contents, because PortableApps don't make changes to the Windows registry, so other applications "are not aware of their existence".

No typin th las lette ca sav yo plent o spac

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
Hi SakiTC, I also think that

Hi SakiTC,

I also think that being a portable application and not have a full installation for Windows Vista does not exist. With OpenOffice 3.3.0 full installations, had no problem with the creation of OLE objects.

Anyway, thanks for your comments

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