Good day mates
If some bloke decides to take this challenge and make a portable version of Bazaar for Windows, he will have my sincerest appreciation.
I'm not an expert, but I think making Bazaar portable is doable, and I would attempt to do it myself, but it just seems like a huge amount of work due to all the dependencies and shit.
Thanks in advance
I have made a Bazaar Portable.
The code is here:
The Executables are here:
Don't use this app. I have installed this on my computer, it have deleted everything from my desktop. During a crosscheck in an virtual machine, the same result.
This app is dangerous for your data!!!!
What operating system were you using? I haven't had any problems. I just used the instructions here:
I use Windows XP. Could you tell me what exactly you did so I can reproduce and fix it.
This is troubling, to say the least.
I've installed it on Windows XP SP3.
I've downloaded the app and doubleclicked for installation. As destination fold I've chosen the desktop. During the installation everything was deleted in the destination folder. Finaly I have try it 5 times in several folders and got every time the same result. Before installation the destination folder was cleaned up.
Do you mean that you told it to install to the Desktop directory, rather than to a subdirectory named BazaarPortable?
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Yes, this is right.
I was wondering, that this apps didn't create an own Subdir and is installing directly to destination folder...other apps form do so
That's the expected behavior of this installer. You need to create a sub directory to install the program. I did not expect this behavior. When I get a chance I will fix it. If anyone is comfortable fixing the code, it is in the link above. Send me the fix and I will recompile.
You need to do it in Format, which includes using the Installer.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Technically it is in a Portable Apps format. Unfortunately, the portable app installer does not allow you to customize the installation sections enough. Therefore, I created an installer.
I have updated the installer, and it doesn't overwrite a directory. Instead it installs inside it. The installer is now more "safe." I have updated the download location.
I quote from the Format:
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Ok. Once the portable app installer gets a little more customizable, it will be in format. Other than the installer, I believe it is already. I don't use the launcher either since there are two commands in Bazaar Portable.
What are you trying to do that the installer doesn't support?
Multiple optional sections, not just one. Groups of options that can be installed or removed. (NSIS SectionGroup). It could be easy to include by adding NSIS hooks/includes to the installer like the launcher.
We don't support that, by design. With a couple of exceptions, the optional component is only used for languages, anyway.
What are you trying to achieve?
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Allow the user to choose which components to install. On space limited devices this is very important. In addition to choosing "additional languages" you can choose to only include the languages you are interested in. It mirrors the sections that the Bazaar Inno setup installer uses. The only plugin that is dropped is the Tortoise plugin since it requires administrator access to run properly.
I think that this application is an exception to your optimal component design.
I suppose each of the compoment could be an add-on, but I would rather maintain one installer instead of 5+. I don't think the Installer supports this out of the box either.
This will not be supported in the Installer. Most users install via the Platform and App Store. Forcing the user to choose options on install would require the installation or updating of multiple apps to pause and wait for user input. Generally, the optional section is strictly for whether the user wants Additional Languages. It shouldn't really be used for anything else. We're not trying to imitate the complexity of most Windows installers with multiple options and sub-options on install.
The whole app is only 65MB, which isn't much these days. The extra languages only total 4.7MB, so for one of our own apps, we wouldn't even give the option to not install the extra documentation (less than 10% savings and only a few MB). For the plugins, you have 15 different options and you need to hover over each one to determine what they actually do. The average user's eyes will glaze over. And it's only for 11MB.
Just do a single installer with everything included and no options. It's nice and easy. And in the age of 8GB drives being the norm (and costing under $10 for a cheap one), the sizes you are worried about saving the user are not worth the added complexity shown to the user just to install.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I understand your logic. It seems reasonable to people with 8GB+ Drives. I only have a 4GB drive. Therefore, I still like the option to add/remove plugins since I have run into space constraints. In my opinion both can be supported by a single run switch for the "default" installation type.
Regardless, I have made a installer, and uploaded it as well.