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Platform v2 "Auto..."-options or Solutions round about TrueCrypt and many ohers ...

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Platform v2 "Auto..."-options or Solutions round about TrueCrypt and many ohers ...


I am a Newbie about PortableApps ;).

In the past, I used PortableApps platform with GeekMenu to have Categories and the option to use TrueCrypt. Or I used my own AutoIt-Script.

My AutoIt-Script is a working solution, but not perfect.
It does the following steps with the actually PA platform:
After start from Stick, it asks the TrueCrypt-Password, mounts the TC-Container and starts the PA platform inside the Container. Then the script waits until the PAPlatform-Process is closed (PA platform closed with 'X' or 'Eject'). Then it dismounts then TC-Container, Ejects the USB-Stick and closes at least all own Processes.

I mean, there are better solutions possible - but not found. One idea was e.g. a 'PAP_config.ini' with the following four sections, handled by the main PA platform process:
; to include programs witch will start (like 'RunWait') after the platform starts
; to include programs ('RunWait') witch will executed after click on platforms 'X'-Button, but before platforms –'Close' part is running.
; to include programs ('RunWait') witch will started after PA-'Close' was running.
; to include programs witch will be executed directly before the 'Eject'-Process was started.

These four options offers a lot of flexibility to handle round about the PA platform.
Inside the [AutoStart] section it was possible to start TrueCrypt and link ('mklink') the 'Documents' folder to the mounted container.
In [AutoClose_before] it was possible to dismount the TrueCrypt drive and e.g. removes the symbolic link back from mounted drive to the PA drive.
[AutoClose_after] … I don't know at this time. But I think you have some ideas.
[AutoEject] is needed to handle options that are needed in this case. E.g. to dismount the TrueCrypt container etc.

Any other ideas or solutions?