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My Autorun System

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Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-30 10:31
My Autorun System

I created my Autorun system to start applications on a inserted drive. I made it as a executable not loaded with Windows. An icon on the desktop to the executable is activated prior to any drive being inserted. A file Action.txt replaces Autorun.inf.

Anyway it is free and what I use to autostart just about anything when a drive is inserted. The program aborts after it does its job ready for the next drive.
Download at A readme explanation is included.

I created it to start Portable appliances and other programs I have on separate flash drives. Even my camera SD card. Loads the camera software I use when I insert it into a card reader.

Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 16:19
Sounds great!

I have not had a chance to try this yet, but the concept sounds good. With that said, John and Co. frown on self promoting apps. In fact there is a link to Forum Guidelines right above the entry box when you created your post. The first paragraph explicitly says you cannot self-promote apps, unless they are in PAF format and you are posting to announce the release of the PAF app.

It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-30 10:31
I got annoyed that MS did not

I got annoyed that MS did not give us a chance to use or not use a start up system. Actually I do have software that did use which I am not advertising. I do have scruples. This is to payback portable apps as I uses them on a flash drive along with other programs. I just thought it helps PA not hinders.
By replacing Autorun.inf with Action.txt with the words
starting usbloader.exe the program checks the inserted drive and then for action.txt
either runs the program or waits in memory. Icon in tray can be used to exit program if not used. As I said I am annoyed that MS did not offer a choice in XP so far the best op system so I offer this for free

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
You're ignoring the message.

You're ignoring the message. Promoting an application of your own and not including the source code isn't allowed here. You can either do one of the following.

  1. Remove the link to the app
  2. Upload and link to the source code for the app
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 16:19
I had not meant my post to

I had not meant my post to sound like a reprimand, and I apologize if it came across that way. My intent was to inform/remind you of one of the rules of this community.

I completely agree, in that I wish we could autorun the media WE choose. I know that M$ took the stance that malware can be easily transferred on portable media so they decided to disable it. Your solution is a good way around this, and a solution that I am sure many in this community would appreciate. However the rule stands that you must release all software in PAF (PortableApps Format) see here for more info.

It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-30 10:31
Sorry about that I will

Sorry about that I will remove the download. The downloads were costing me bandwidth anyway.I just thought it would help as I use it to start PA. Here today gone tomorrow.

Amazingly over 5000 copies were downloaded so some found it useful
I have deleted the subdomain and all traces of the program as requested. I do not want to upset this community.


Aluísio A. S. G.
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-11-09 17:43
Hmm... I think

You can upload it to a file sharing site (e.g. MediaFire) and post a link to it from your website (if you have one; set it as your homepage in your account's details).

Previously known as kAlug.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-19 09:09
Over reaction

Don't let the posts of a few overzealous non-technical members speak for the community. What you posted was useful and PA apps could never do what your app does. It is outside it's scope.


Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-18 16:19

I don't feel I was being over-zealous in the least. I was just letting him know the rules that John laid out. Whether or not a rule is liked or popular, does not make it any less of a rule that should be adhered to. I personally don't like the fact that a major road on my way to work has a speed limit of 70 km/h. IMO it should be 100km/h. However if I were to go over the posted limit, I would surely be pulled over by an "over-zealous" cop. This is not to say that I think it is my duty to police the forum. I was only pointing out a rule that the OP apparently was not aware of.

As I stated in my earlier post, I too see a great benefit to the app he shared. And I am not sure why you say

... PA apps could never do what your app does.

All he needs to do is create a PAF launcher for his app, and this should be very easy as it appears to be inherently portable anyway.

It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.

Aluísio A. S. G.
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-11-09 17:43
No sense

I don't see value on a portable Autorun launcher.

Previously known as kAlug.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-19 09:09
You do not understand what

All he needs to do is create a PAF launcher for his app, and this should be very easy as it appears to be inherently portable anyway.

You do not understand what teetwo's utility was designed to do. It is used to automatically start the PA Menu when you plug in the USB stick. If it required a "PAF launcher" it would be useless.


solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
Have you considered licensing it as GPL?

Have you considered licensing it as GPL and providing the source code?
As an Open Source app, you could put it on Sourceforge.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2011-05-30 10:31
I have not spat the dummy I

I have not spat the dummy I am working on a better version. It is not quite to my liking. As I said I created it due to MS changing the rules. All the utilities I make are to make my life easier not richer.

I do not use browser favorites, or shortcuts I must confess I have my own sort of PA. It goes a bit further, think, Roboform and Iron key and PA on steroids. I like some of the apps here and see if I can use them. obviously mine exist in an encrypted container so information like bank log ins etc are secure. I am a pensioner so I do not sell software and do not want to upset those that do. I only offered the utility as I thought it would help.
I may make the new version available I will see what I have on.

A thought you could try. Change the drive letter name and set a shortcut to point to Startportableapps then after the drive is inserted it should start when the shortcut is activated. I have not tried it but it could do the job. Not as good though as a autostart

Never accept the impossible

Gayan Perera
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-01-27 05:21

As much as I would love Portable-apps to be a more community project, (where people could post their ideas and programs without following the proper bureaucracy,) I know it would be difficult in the real world, where some people are dedicated to creating viruses, marketing their websites, etc.

However, I wish that the moderators would give solutions instead of just saying "follow the rules and follow the format - otherwise don't post". The guy who posted this app would just be discouraged now - thinking that he just wasted his time here. It would have been better if he was told "you can't post the app, but I'll direct you to another developer, who you will evaluate the app and help you get it into the necessary format, etc".

I love portable apps, but I believe that many people are getting frustrated with some aspects of the way portable apps is managed, due to a lack of clear, or rather, productive communication, and a growing disconnect between the developers and the community.


Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2011-09-22 15:22
I agree with this guy

I do agree with the fact that this site can make some people think they wasted there time here (i'm not saying i am wasting my time here but iam just saying).

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