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Toucan - New Feature request ?

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Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-06 05:46
Toucan - New Feature request ?


Firstly, thanks for your PoartableApps system and your application Toucan, they do a really great job.

I propose you a new feature.

Is it possible to have a dialog box who appears when Toucan find a conflic between 2 files?

I give you more precision, in "Synchro" tab when you use a synchro task with "Equalize" function, Toucan always keep the last modified file and in a specific case, you can loose data.

Example : I realize in synchronisation (Equalize) between a source network shared folder (with samba) and my destionation local folder. If I modify the file locally and one other person modifies it on the network share folder (e.g. when I cannot being connected to the shared folder). Only the last person which have modified the file will keep his modified version of the file, the other version will be overwritten.

The feature is to presents a dialog box of the 2 files in conflict with some proprieties (last modification date, size, last user which modify it, etc...) and propose several options :
- Keep Source File
- Keep Destination File
- Keep both File : with file name added "..._from-source" and "..._from-destination" (to manual combination of the 2 files later).

I think to realize that, thats means Toucan must keep an index of file digests of the synchronisation. When the new synchronisation task is launched, Toucan compares the previous digest realized during the previous synchronisation with the local file (to see if it has been modified locally since the last synchronisation) and the distant file on the network shared folder (to see also if it has been modified since the last synchronisation).

By this way, Toucan can securely synchronize in an equalize way between local folders and shared network folders with multiple users.

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

for your feature request, I am actually planning to add something like this to Toucan, although it will take a little while as this requires quite a lot of changes.

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-06 05:46

Thanks a lot for your great job.
All the best.

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