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BPBible 0.5 Beta 4

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Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
BPBible 0.5 Beta 4

Application: BPBible

Submitted for testing; the main content rendering is now XULRunner-powered rather than wxHTML-powered. The only implication I found (my brother Jon took care that BPBible cleans up its own temporary XULRunner profiles and other things) is that it creates $APPDATA\Mozilla if it doesn't exist, so the launcher then prunes it after. I've also switched the launcher to PAL and I believe we've got all the functionality in the BPBible launcher included (one of the challenges I had with PAL, so that by the time 2.0 it was capable); BPBible's launcher is one of the more complex ones due to its handling of resources).

This release doesn't deal with directory moving; there are some deficiencies in PAL's current way of dealing with it which I'd like to deal with first.

Download BPBible Portable 0.5 Beta 4 [24MB download / 22.6-32.1MB installed]
(MD5: 2049a0910f3a2bc8c2b128b9c785dfea)

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Beta vs Pre-release

As this is an officially released app, shouldn't this be a pre-release, rather than a beta?

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
BPBible 0.5 Beta 4

This is based off BPBible 0.5 Beta 4. As I have checked and am personally happy with it, and as I have no intention of it being released at, I went for calling it a release rather than pre-release. I'm posting it here mainly for verification that it's all as it should be.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 47 min 8 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

As the publisher, doing a 0.5 Beta 4 and having it as a PAF for folks to test is just fine. Also, I tested this under a clean WinXP install: it worked fine browsing a few pages and it left nothing behind.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
My mistake

Oops, my mistake. I didn't do research prior to posting, and didn't realize 0.5 beta 4 is the base app version.

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