Hi reader,
I'm using the Portable Apps Platform on my PC, installed Chrome via Platform.
I tried all three releases.
When starting Google Chrome it creates for a short period of time the following log file in the PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable[Dev|Beta]\App\Chrome-bin folder
current install:
cat debug.log
[1010/145106:ERROR:client_util.cc(333)] Could not get Chrome DLL version.
[1010/145106:ERROR:client_util.cc(370)] Could not find exported function RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded
Any help would be appreciated.
Is it a network drive mapped to a drive letter or a drive letter mapped to a path on another drive?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Maps don't make Chrome stop running. They stop the user from installing extensions. (At least the #2; never used a network drive.)
Previously known as kAlug.