This comes from the corporate AV.
Notification message below.
Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Security Risk Found!
Security risk detected: Suspicious.Cloud.5
File: E:\PortableApps\EvincePortable\App\Evince\bin\evince.exe
Location: Quarantine
Action taken: Quarantine succeeded : Access denied
Date found: 17 October 2011 08:34:36
Please report this false positive to Symantec so they can fix their error. That's a generic "we think this may be suspicious" error that doesn't mean there is any virus. If you check the analysis of evince.exe, you'll see it's a Symantec/TrendMicro generic error issue that they'll need to fix.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
False Positive report submitted to Symantec.
"We are writing in relation to your submission through Symantec's on-line Security Risk / False Positive Dispute Submission form for your software being detected by Symantec Software. In light of further investigation and analysis Symantec is happy to remove this detection from within its products."