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Adaptable Gimp

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-02 14:21
Adaptable Gimp

I just saw a posting about Adaptable Gimp that looks very intriguing. It is Gimp with an extra piece added to the interface. This gives it the ability to step the user through common tasks by entering a search term like "crop a photo" and getting back the list of tools needed to perform it, in order, with commentary. These "task sets" can be edited and added to online at the adaptable gimp website.

It is licensed the same as Gimp, under the GPL. See the faq page:

Here's the url: for the home page. It's set up as a wiki.

Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-02 14:21
Really, no interest?

I'm surprised. Some things in GIMP are not obvious and this is a good way to get past them.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
Several reasons

First and foremost, this is an unsupported fork of GIMP that is several versions out of date.
Secondly, it requires you to log into an online site that records your actions, in order to have full functionality - personally, I am SO not a fan of that.
Its main difference with GIMP is the ability to create Task Sets from a list of commands - essentially a macro recording system.
As an experienced GIMP user, I find this approach too clunky to use on a regular basis. It's a lot of extra clicks to create or load a Task Set, when I can do things far quicker with the existing toolbox - which is already very customizable.
I can see how these task sets might be useful for beginners, but consider that the currently existing sets are available to follow on the Adaptable GIMP website. These are essentially small tutorials. Most of them are extremely simple - I don't know if that's because the users creating them are all fairly inexperienced with GIMP or if it's because it's still a lot of effort to create these sets. I suspect it's a little of both.
IMHO, I'd rather just refer people to the task sets, and to the myriad GIMP tutorials available on the net, like you'd find here
or here

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-02 14:21

I was thinking of the inexperienced user for this, but I see your points about the log in issues.
Thanks for replying.

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