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How many bought a U3 drive and uninstalled U3?

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Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-08-01 08:15
How many bought a U3 drive and uninstalled U3?

I bought a Sandisk flash drive and it had U3 on it. Whether it did or didn't, I didn't care because it happened to be on super sale at Office Depot. However, it started met thinking about U3 and other portable apps so I am just curious how many people here removed U3 from their flash drive if it was previously installed by the manufacturer?

Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 12:42
I did

I managed to scarf up 3 different 1G drives for ~7 each awhile ago. One did not have U3. I used it for awhile until I realized that, although technically a USB 2.0 hi speed, the others were much faster.

One is a Verbatim. I used it with U3 for awhile and also had a TrueCrypt volume on it. So I wound up using 3 drive letters everytime I plugged it in. In addition it did not have an option to update the U3 installation. I finally uninstalled U3.

The last is a Kingston with U3 that I haven't made much use of yet. It still has U3.

PBoyington's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-11 08:41
Wiped it

I wiped the U3 stuff off soon after I got my Sandisk. I use my flash drive with Windows and Linux and didn't see the need for U3.

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-09 22:05

I actually got a free GeekSquad U3 512MB stick when I first bought my new laptop in Feb. I actually got another free SanDisk MicroCruzer 1GB U3 when I made a comment on the U3 website about how I loved the 1st U3 flash drive I got. They liked my comments so much they sent me a free flash drive as long as I agreed to let them publish my comments.

I then took my GeekSquad drive and wiped the U3.

I still like the SanDisk U3 for its autolaunch capability. When I place my SanDisk in a PC it is mainly because I want to launch FFP U3 (John's). After antering my semi-secure password the drive does the rest. I also found that PStart is availible for U3 and that launches as well. Much easier to use when you need a specific program.

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The Kazoo Spartan

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