Hey folks,
I'm in the process of making my first Java-based portable app, but Java as a platform is not a strong point for me. I seem to have come across something that isn't handled in the launcher manual, either that or I'm just not reading it correctly (always a possibility).
First of all, the app in question is Makagiga. I am using version 3.8.13 Portable/Cross-Platform purely because version 4 uses Java 7, for which there is currently no portable version.
How it works in portable mode is it has a .bat file (and a .exe which I am assuming does exactly the same thing), containing the following:
java -Xverify:none -Xms16m -Xmx128m -jar makagiga.jar -portable "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5" "%6" "%7" "%8" "%9"
And here is my current launcher.ini for reference:
My problem is that the base app runs fine, but running from the launcher I receive the following from the JVM:
Error: Unable to access jarfile makagiga.jar
I tried the thing with Process Explorer, but the only .exe running that would be applicable was javaw.exe.
Also tried the Eclipse-based command line, but it did not work either.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Try to add
.I don't know if that's enough for this app, but it should fix this problem.
Thanks, this worked great, although I will go with kAlug's solution below as it takes one less step to get things running by having pAppsLauncher -> javaw.exe instead of pAppsLauncher -> run-portable.exe -> javaw.exe.
Once, again, thanks for the help though.
Previously known as kAlug.
Thanks, this did what I needed once I added
Will post the Dev test once I have made sure paths are handled properly.
Thanks again.