Application: MSYS
Category: Development
Description: MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally UNIX tools to be present. It is intended to supplement MinGW and the deficiencies of the cmd shell.
Download MSYS Portable 1.10.11 Development Test 1 [2.2MB download / 7.9MB installed]
(MD5: c9beae38b30a3a774608488dc89dd8be)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2011-12-12): Initial release
Hey guys,
First of all, I hope I'm not stepping on anybody's toes by releasing this. I will post on the 2 other projects which I believe to be most related to this, and hope those guys can comment and perhaps contribute some helpful information along the way.
For those interested, this is a package that I developed for my personal use after discovering sar3th's MinGW release. It is currently integrating well with MinGW on both systems I have access to at the moment.
Some problems I had putting this together (hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on these, or suggest alternative solutions).
Sorry for the massive post guys, I'm new to these forums, and don't want to fall into the trap of providing little and/or irrelevant information. As mentioned earlier, as far as I can tell, this package is drive/folder independent (the only requirement being that /CommonFiles/MinGW is located in the parent directory - although this won't break the program, just mean there will be no access to MinGW), and integrates fine with sar3th's MinGW package (I have successfully compiled OpenTTD and it's dependencies :), and could be set to use a different location by creating /Data/settings/fstab).
If I have stepped on anybody's toes by posting this I apologize in advance, and hope that if that is the case, you will understand a naive young portableapper excited about a project that (finally) seems to be working.
Guys, please download and test, and play around and try to break it, and let me know your results.
Just had a sudden face-palm moment when I realized that handling the /etc/fstab through an NSIS script will cause problems when running MSYS through Console Portable or Command Prompt Portable. Will rethink this and possibly reimplement it through msys.bat. That was my original method using variables passed from launcher.ini but can't remember why I changed it now (something to do with the File Format Specifications, I think)... hmm.
Will have another look at it tomorrow.
Hi pmwheatley,
Your post saved me from downloading your app before posting suggestions 
so here's the promised feedback on your release (apologies for the wall of text, it's a bit longer than I originally intended it to be):
Creating correct (i.e. portable) directory entries in /etc/fstab (specifically for the location of MinGW).
You're indeed right, this is the main work that has to be done by a MSYS Portable launcher. One problem is that the file has LF-endings, which i solved in my previous attempts by writing a custom launcher from scratch.
Today, my suggestion is to code a small launcher that updates the fstab and call that before doing anything else. This is somewhat related to the next point.
Deciding where (and indeed what) to include in fstab
Ideally, your launcher should detect MinGW Portable in CommonFiles. If the user for some reason has decided to install it somewhere else, he will need to edit fstab manually. To help the user, I suggest to parse fstab for the old drive letter (save it in an ini-file to remember) and replace all occurrences of it with the new drive letter (i.e. replace all instances of X:\ with G:\ if X is last letter and G is the current one - you get the idea). This will take care of all mount points, including custom ones. If you like to automatically mount something, you just need to include it in the default values and the launcher will take good care of it, while the user still can change it if he likes and it won't be broken by the launcher
Choosing the current /home/user directory
I 'remedied' this by setting $HOME="user" in /App/MSYS/etc/profile.
This is exactly what I did as well, and what I believe is the best thing to do. After all, this is a PortableApp, so you don't want your home directory to change on every machine you log on. If somebody really wants that, he can undo the change in the profile file.
Sorry for the massive post guys, I'm new to these forums, and don't want to fall into the trap of providing little and/or irrelevant information.
Welcome to the forums!
The package itself seems to have some issues. I checked the MD5 to be sure that the download worked correctly. Some of your files are 0 Bytes in size, not sure why...
MSYS itself started properly. It seems to be working as it should
I noticed some issues:
I have fixed these issues. The code is at:
The downloads are at:
Note that the Launcher is generated from PortableApps Launcher, like the original.
could you open a new thread at beta section,
and publish your files?
The Files are already published at:
A direct download is located at:
It requires MinGW
The beta page is published here.
pmwheatley, are you still supporting this?
Do you have a time to support MinGW or MSYS?