Is it possible to let Toucan do a backup on regular intervals (every 2 minutes for instance). The problem i want to solve is the following:
I have a directory in which files are temporarily (very short time sometimes) stored, before the are moved away by a program. I want to keep a copy of these files.
I think the best way to do this is to let a backup program run in the background and backup the directory every couple of minutes (before the files are moved).
Can Toucan do this?
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backup on regular intervals
December 15, 2011 - 11:18am
backup on regular intervals
could do this with Toucan no problem at all, you would need some code like the following, to be run in the script and with a backup job called "BackupJob".
The main problem is that it loops forever with no way of killing it short of task manager, but I will add a new function before the release of 3.1 to allow it to shut down gracefully when the cancel button is clicked.