I have looked all over but found no working solution.
is there any app to create a virtualusb drive?
sure i can attach a vhd or other virtualized disc but i would like one that appears to the system as an actual usb device. is this possible?
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Virtual usb drive
January 9, 2012 - 3:54am
Virtual usb drive
what this should be for, can you be more specific?
an usb drive is not a particular volume form, it can act as almost anything, it is simply a hardware media which can carry almost any kind of data volume format, as it is always just virtual, as the native file format can be read only by some very special linux version and can not be read by windows at all for example.
Unlike for example a CD which has one of few specific file system formats , the usb itself does not present anything which makes it different to an other drive.
An usb device as hardware needs to be identifying itslef to the operating system (or even bios) as what it is, e.g. class of equipment, means camera, mouse, storage, mobile phone or what ever and from there what sub classes it can contain and each has to report with an individual ID, manufacturer code etc so the proper driver has to be loaded.
What usb device did you had in mind?
Whad do you want do with it?
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland